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Futaba Rio has a fateful encounter with her shadow, for a second time. This time, it's here to teach her a lesson in being too up tight in a more... direct manner. Can Schrodinger's Cat explains this one?


Hey it's Dan here, I just want to apologize. It's been a very unlucky month for me in terms of health and burnout and I think it reflects in how little I've posted and with the actual quality of comics themselves.  

I promise I'll do better in February, starting with the Bocchi comic, followed with the Yor comic (Yes I will finally finish it sorry it took so long I restarted like 4 times AaAaAa), and then the Mitoko Misaka. I will not bill for next month if these three comics aren't finished. Sure I'll still be unfashionably one month late but hey that's one less drawing late right?




Looks great, Dan. Particularly fond of Panel 5 on Page 2. Take the time you need; I think people will understand that it was just a bad few months health and luck wise.