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When Elaina's travels land her in a floating castle with a magical mirror that predicts a cruel future for her, an attempt by the beautiful witch to change her twisted fate had ironically sealed it. Will she be able to escape from her bindings or will she be trapped in the mirror for the rest of her days, her wandering days over?



Story for this one's written by Purplecloak25! He pulled out his physical copy of Elaina volume 1 for this one to be character and book writing accurate to Elaina's smug personality and he's currently writing a story that goes along with the piece so check him out if you're interested!

The coloring took forever, I'm sorry I'm late argh! Tried to do a CAD style, I think it came out well but damn I'm tired after all the getting used to the more yellowish color palette. Also probably over extended with the amount of busts and Elainas in total I ended up drawing, I think page 2 came out the weakest cause it was filler cause I forgot to add a gag sequence and it definitely shows it's roughness, but I'm glad how it came out!




Comrade Adam

Phenomenal work and premise.


Amazing job!!!!!!! that was a good read. She should have learned to never mess with fate