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Hey guys! As some of you have noticed, my upload schedule and art quality have been fluctuating a lot recently, and it's because I've been struggling juggling my job along with my Patreon, as well as losing motivation due to constant work; the current release schedule has been draining and burning me out.

To avoid myself from going insane and over-exerting myself to the point that my art starts deteriorating again, I've decided to lower the amount of drawings I do a month to one per poll. I know that I'm basically halving my output by doing this, but I've also barely been able to keep up the past few months. I've also been so caught up with Patreon work that I've been unable to draw things I choose to draw myself, it's been getting kinda frustrating for me, I gotta admit. 

Hopefully the improvement in art quality will be worthwhile (also my sanity too I guess), and thank you all for your support over the past months!



Take all the breaks needed. Your mental health should come first before anything. <3


Thanks for updating up breaks are important and we are here for you