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The ladies discuss The NYT's new Britney Spears documentary, Taylor Lorenz's Clubhouse snitching, and Time Magazine's election shaping





@Dash how many freckle pens did you buy from your $FUBO gainz?


I am such a simp for this podcast, losing hair waiting for episodes, cry spells when it’s been longer than a week


FINALLY i was listening to the What’s Left anna stream bc i was so thirsty for content 😭


What is the food thing they were talking about at 5:01? The @dasha_eats account?


A whole extra half hour?! I already forgive you. Also the news was pretty slow this week :)


Was just about to kill myself and then the most retarded thing happened. A new red scare pod <3

Mathieu Dube

All my liberal bosses have been complete assholes. I think it comes from the fact that they think they don’t need to be nice bosses coz they listen to NPR and have a BLM sign in their yards...


They’re back! ❤️


Glad to see you back.


"...love to have tense and unpleasant workspaces..." "What do you mean 'tents'?" "You know, tense--" "OH oh oh oh oh." No words. Also Anna Stack'o'Coins is a great name


I really thought you guys just ... left




Called it quits


But then again I kept checking every hour so yesssss finally


Bjork attacking that reporter may be her greatest contribution to pop culture


Dasha, please read The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Keith. It’s life changing. Veganism is absolute poison for your mind, body and the planet.


I refuse to grovel and plead, but yeah everyone wants it. Thank you


The Jason Momoa/ Lisa Bonet revelation


Big Tiity Conservative Black Lady LMAO


You must be referring to Joy Villa


Dasha’s social media cleanse was what initially inspired me to follow through with my own. Started as a month commitment and now I’ve lost track of how long it has been and Im surprised how seldom I think about it. I used to be the most “that would be a good tweet”-type person in the room at all times. Also today is the day I finished theweleit’s male fantasies vol1, I can not recommend it enough to anyone even remotely interested in psychoanalysis or gender politics. Ever since finishing undergrad last spring, starting to actually read the red scare reading list has been my proxy grad school and it has been seminal in the formation of my rudimentary delusional worldview! Thank you for the recommendations. Lasch is next.


fucking finally


Britney can press the square button on her controller, at any time, to "Become This Prism"


amazing takes this week


Unrelated but still on the Korkin kick-Armageddon averted is awesome


They’re so wrong about Felicia fyi she is the most genuinely kind person I’ve ever known and doesn’t have a malicious bone in her body.


If I was sexually assaulted by a retarded person would it then become okay for me to say it? A girl can dream..


Very good episode. If you guys aren't going to go in front of cameras and bow with hysterical wailing like Japanese executives guilty of accounting fraud then I suppose a second one this week will suffice


Can you guys do an all water episode?


On one hand, I respect the maturity and adroitness of the girls for NOT talking about the AOC gaslighting twitter commotion, but on the other hand I totally wanted some WWE style smackdown on Alexandria Ocasio Smollet. I even caught myself listening to Shapiro this week. This was a long week, ladies.


If you need an occasional taste of forbidden right wing thought, forgo the Talmudic, and nasally tones of that vile little neocon weasel and check out my favorite bloggers podcast. Dissident right takes delivered in a soothing NPR voice. https://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=22748


Good to know, she seemed to genuinely care about Brit and I wish she had been able to stick by her side and not be demoted or phased out by Brit’s nefarious ‘team’ :/


If you want to watch a good Bulimia youtuber look up Mega64 Christmascast


Anna! Watching PVT Chat and just saw your appearance! Queen shit!

Ehren Burton

In four years we went from "oh wow, I guess your vote does count if they let Trump in" to "It's all rigged because who would ever vote for Biden/Harris"? I keep looking and I keep asking but other than "I know a guy who knows a guy that said he saw an entire Uhaul pull up filled with Biden votes" there hasn't been anything that would lead me to at least play with the idea that the election was rigged, and unless I'm expected to get on board with the idea that every court, and every recount (which there were several in the key contested states) are all in on it . . . looks like we're in for the next few years of, what're we calling this one, "rig-gate"? Give me something. Give me anything that the Trump team failed to argue in court, but the internet is somehow so sure about.


A point Anna made at the beginning really resonated with me. I've had two contradictory notions in my head: that people on Twitter are totally ironic and cynical and that they also don't understand irony. The point she made was this: they're completely ironic themselves but are unable to recognize it in other people. Which makes total sense. I found that illuminating and helpful.


Dasha, I gave up Twitter 2 months ago. You can do it.


don’t ever leave us like that again guys, i underwent a britney manic depression


Absolutely brilliant episode ❤️


We can’t make you stop being gullible and credulous. What do you imagine is the purpose of poll watchers if you dismiss all of their testimony as anecdotal? What measures would you accept to prevent fraud in the future? (None of course because you’re already 100% certain it barely happens). Shitlibs set impossibly high standards on evidence that counters their plastic mass produced world view so that they never have to change their mind. And then they congratulate themselves for observing reality’s “liberal bias”. You need a radical reframe of mind to even understand why you’re so misinformed. There is no single smoking gun piece of evidence that could possibly convince you and deep down you know that.


You guys are creating unrealistic expectations of women for me.