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The ladies discuss the last Democratic debate and The New York Times Bernie interview in context of Warrengate as well as the latest reports that women now outnumber men in the workforce.

Read the full interview here.



Sneak peek pls ❣


Bernie, a ("big 3") Virgo Aries Scorpio, cannot lie truly


We were on a Red Scare abstinence you love to see it


I was so ready for one of you to reference this louie episode re grating girl voices in background https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IADkF1LbyfM it's totally yanada


btw I think this week and lizard's little desperation move against bernie will go down as one of the defining moments of this political cycle. I don't wanna jinx it but I really believe it could be different this time. this was one of the best episodes you've ever done and I'm forwarding it to anyone I've ever heard saying "bernie bro" (it's literally a hilldawg 2016 concoction right? it has to be it matches the cringe of everything they were spewing that year). I'm so happy I've become a a patron. love from portugal


Warren/Sanders conversation in question took place in December, 2018. Sanders and Gabbard had similar conversation around the same time.


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