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The ladies discuss Equinox's fundraising scandal, Chris Cuomo's Fredo flap, Jeffrey Epstein's Russian bodyguard, Joanna Schroeder's parenting meltdown, and Amazon's "drone"-led PR outreach debacle.


Rusty Shackleford

Good go-to slur for Russians: borscht monkey.


Have you girls seen Under the Silver Lake? It's essential Epsteincore, also a very Dasha movie.


So following the ladies episode I looked into the "Zoomer" generation, thinking it was the generation after us. Ladies and Gents it is with great displeasure that I inform you that it is not in fact the generation after us. Apparently the following is a what a zoomer is, "A Zoomer is apparently a boomer with zip, covering people in their mid-40s to mid-60s that are active Baby Boomers redefining aging and retiring past the previous goal of 65. Their values are hard work, structure and hierarchy." Folks we've been had! We have been complimenting old people and encouraging them in their awful ways rather than inspiring a modicum of hope to young people. We need to stop using Zoomer immediately and refer to the younger generation by their proper title. Twitchers.


this was the ..happiest?? pod to date. i have joy now thank you

James Flaim

just clarifying I'm not the james who posted that other thing