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Poster socialite Mecha stops by the pod to talk about Catholicism and the Left, the role of organized religion in challenging the liberal consensus, the church's stance on abortion and homosexuality, and its well-publicized pedophilia problem. 



Religion is so interesting. Just like Ricky Gervais' atheism. Next week, can your guest recount their dreams and tell us the meaning behind their tattoos?


The ladies should tackle Simone Weil


lol tf is this


Dasha should have asked the masturbation question at the start. I've got a feeling the episode would have been a lot shorter.


DSA members just want to silently repent (confess) and loudly renounce


This episode sucked, and you not interrogating his position on gay people and the church was a missed opportunity. Do you guys approve of his his take on sexuality generally/homosexuality specifically? He sounded so fucking condescending and thoughtless. - a gay listener


I thought about this comment the entire 2 hours of listening to this ha

Luke F

Might finally be unsubscribe time

Luke F

Today Dasha plans to convert to [shuffles deck]... Zoroastrianism


What's even funnier than Dasha LARPing as a Catholic for the month is that they got some 21 year old (!) 4chan nobody to speak as a "representative" of the religious community. Lazy stuff from a normally worthwhile channel.


i think everyone forget how important body language and facial expressions are - you all judge these girls too much based on their voices alone also its impossible to find a picture of this guy

keith pulitano

God this guy is a fuckin nerd. “I was 17” isn’t an excuse for being a dweeb. By 11 you’re as cool as you’re going to get.


This was the worst episode yet

Noah Willyard

to everyone talking shit about this episode I have good news, the league of blondes with straight bangs have convened and because of your brave stance against homophobia they’re all gonna fuck you

Corps De Blah

Well that’s it the girls are retarded. But I’m more retarded for paying $5.

Corps De Blah

Talking about pregnancy in these pathetic philosophical terms is outrageous. A fetus is not a human being it is tissue. Abortion is a medical issue which supersedes this philosophical bullshit. There are a tremendous amount of reasons for a pregnancy to be terminated. Any pregnancy under at least 36 weeks is not to be considered viable. I love that this slob they had on spins this magical carousel of western philosophy and Catholicism but refuses to acknowledge basic high school biology and that even a healthy women can die from a pregnancy. Giving any credence to these “perspectives” is ridiculous.


Can’t believe they had this autismo on, and that they let him talk about his journey “overcoming racism” through Catholicism to spite Milo for firing him as the “least bad guy” What the fuck


I actually enjoyed this episode.