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The ladies discuss body positive Hulu original series "Shrill" and J.K. Rowling's auto fan fiction. 



you two are on fire.


the one show about a fat girl i remember liking when i was younger was this british show called My Mad Fat Diary and half of that is sharon rooney's amazing accent. i refuse to watch the new crop of "middle school sure sucked huh" shows because i know they won't be as good as that one.

Jason Matthews

Dasha, profile Just Kidding Roll-Thing on Grubstakers.


video games are obscene! But Adam spending days watching horse's ass is troubling, what is this thing in his life soo horrible that horse's ass feels like a safe place to escape? And so on.


Good show. Speaking pronunciations: J.K. ROLLING in Britain. (American pronunciation I guess must be okay too as the they rewrote the books for American audiences.)


Mary Harron directed "American Psycho" ..it's her best film. Bret Easton Ellis's podcast is also quite good...<3 great show ladies.


I watched Shrill after listening to this and all I've got to say is that it was an 8 episode pity party for the protagonist who's super self-absorbed and insecure...the opposite of being an "empowered and a strong woman" who wouldn't give a fuck what anyone thinks/says should this character be anywhere close to real.


Have you guys read this - <a href="https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/yw89ew/shrill-is-the-mona-lisa-of-body-positive-television" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/yw89ew/shrill-is-the-mona-lisa-of-body-positive-television</a>