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In the second installment of their series on #MeToo, the ladies discuss the spread of the movement into the academic and literary worlds with socialist writer and podcaster Amber A’Lee Frost.

Articles referenced:

When Men Decide It’s Time to Say Sorry A wave of spontaneous apologies — over email, text, and Facebook — has followed in the wake of #MeToo. By Katy Schneider --- https://www.thecut.com/2018/07/when-men-decide-its-time-to-say-sorry.html 

Confession Booth The trouble with the trauma industry By Amber A'Lee Frost --- https://thebaffler.com/salvos/confession-booth-frost 




the discussion at 34:00 about differences between women (those who freeze and those who don't) ... so much to say about this. i'm a freezer but i was socialized to passively avoid conflict, and i suspect amber & anna were not... i'm sure there are individual psychological dispositions involved as well.

Rhys J

Wow I loved this ep but I'm desperate to never hear the TATU song again.

Ben Poop

fuck yes Amber. makes up for bug not being on cumtown this week


R We r really going to discuss groping as not that traumatic lol .


Also btw men are deliberately acting pathetic to get away with doing this shit 🙄


Omg . Associating freezing w being middle class . Are u fr


Holy shit Amber yes


not to be rude, but i don't like the sound of dasha eating on this podcast. pretty girls don't eat

Robert Kurvits

hearing the taty song twice every time I listen to red scare is the one of the best things about red scare and you're wrong not to like it


Audio sucks for this ep

lazy millennial

This was excellent. Audio does suck though. I actually enjoyed Dasha's occasional mouth noises btw.

Chris Warren

Community was actually a pretty good show. Really.

Tristan Abbott

I didn't hear about the audio of the alleged incident involving Juno Diaz "verbally abusing" a woman by disagreeing with her (the initial account seemed awfully specious, though). Does anyone know where I can find that?

Tristan Abbott

Wait, found it. And Amber was completely right: <a href="https://twitter.com/forjustice2018/status/1003465381137256448" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://twitter.com/forjustice2018/status/1003465381137256448</a>