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The ladies discuss abortion and reproductive health with Washington Post’s Elizabeth Breunig in light of potential challenge posed to Roe v. Wade with upcoming Supreme Court vacancy.



Good ep but the feedback is not good! Should've told Liz before recording to put in headphones to close the feedback loop

Casey Westerman

Great episode, I'm glad you talked to Liz about this. That skateboard-dog T-shirt bothered me, too, although it didn't occur to me when I first saw it that everyone involved in making and selling it is a dude, including the dog.


Socialism is about freedom which is why I'm pro state sanctioned squashing of women's autonomy. In turn I offer benign Catholic placards not observed by anyone with a modicum of power and focus on ridiculous DSA liberals. Cloaking your beliefs with anticapitalist and empathetic language doesn't change the fact that any prolife position is shit. Holding out for a revolution to secure economic viability for childrearing is utopian and opposing women's ability to be a part of the labor force and in turn organising is equally counter revolutionary. Usually love the eps, this one was infuriating and I'm surprised there wasn't more objections. Pointing fun at dumbass DSA libs would have probably been more enjoyable if there wasn't a fucking prolifer in the chat.


That feedback. Ladies get your tech shit together please.

Dael Morris

Listening to this on headphones, and I have to ask: what was going on in the background in the first ten minutes?

Luke F


Luke F

Very thought-provoking content, but pleeeease get the technical shit in order; we're paying for this stuff


One of the most illuminating convos on pro-choice/pro-life in ages. KEEP IT COMING!

Jon Phillip Young

I agree with Liz's broader point about an unborn fetus representing a real human life with (at least some) value. I think those are valid moral arguments on the pro-life side. Despite that, I don't think her argument works well enough to justify the State deny a woman the legal right to terminate a pregnancy if she doesn’t want to continue with it. There’s no getting around the fact that denying abortion rights implies a corresponding denial of bodily autonomy rights for pregnant women. That still needs to be morally justified and I don’t think Liz made a good case for it. She ended up waffling and doing the whole “well, that’s a very difficult moral question...” dodge, when she was challenged on subject of the right to terminate a pregnancy resulting from rape. Pro-lifers have never had a good answer for this. So I still find that the pro-choice position is the only one that makes sense to me, morally. And the only one that fits well within broader Left/socialist politics. Liz’s concept of abortion rights and her concept of socialism didn’t seem very compatible to me. That being said… I do think that Liz deserves massive credit for her points about expanding beyond the usual pro-choice vs. pro-life dichotomy and elevating the quality/scope of the abortion debate. Her meta-analysis of the current American abortion debate was genuinely refreshing to hear! I really wish that more time was spent on debating those background issues that exist alongside the abortion debate itself (i.e.: the cost of parenthood under capitalism, etc.), rather than just the usual pro-vs.-anti stuff. Those things clearly have a major influence on how and where the political lines on abortion get drawn, so it was great to hear Liz speak to that! Anyway, this was easily one of the best episodes of Red Scare, so far. Well done!


K so all cells are always alive & a fetus is no different. But to say that at the moment of conception you have a vulnerable person who needs protected seems Strange


I think the audio was unique. V av ga


Audio wasn't intentional. Liz had a speaker blaring and I didn't realize via Skype call. However, I didn't want to trash the episode soooooooo here we are.


It's definitely good praxis to misinterpret and get really mad about other leftists. Where did you get that she's pro state-sanctioned squashing of women's autonomy? Liz isn't holding out for a utopia, she's actively trying to make it happen - just like all socialists should be doing. But ya keep getting infuriated about the ethical and religious positions of people who are doing far more to advance socialist principles.


v v good.


this should like win an award


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