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Hey guys!

It has been a pretty hectic week (thanks, life!) but we're moving!

I've been pre-filming and catching up a lot with reactions from last week, and just want to let you know what's good.

Twinkling Watermelon I wasn't able to pre-film this week, so I'll be dropping episodes 2 and 3 on Monday. I'll be dropping The Impossible Heir Eps. 1 & 2 today though, and also Marry My Husband Ep. 1 (which was expected on Monday next week). So basically, doing the ol' switcheroo. Marry My Husband Ep. 1 will be up by the end of Sunday my time.

tripleS SIGNALs will be up today as per usual, and Jeongwaja / 123 IVE will be up on Saturday for me, Sunday at the latest! 

Thanks for the love and understanding as always y'all, and I'll see you really soon for some awesome vibes!

Things have been sucking a bit extra hard the last week which have really messed up the time I've had to focus on stuff here, and whilst things are getting a bit better, man's just chasing his tail a bit. Bare with me!

Thanks for the love and all as always, and let's have a sick (awesome) weekend!

~ Lok ❤️❤


Bria A.

Ridiculously excited for Marry My Husband, it’s probably in my top five if not top three k-dramas at this point (probably top five, if I’m being honest—I should reserve top three for things I basically have no significant critiques on 😅)