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IT'S HERE FINALLY! Base Naruto...is over! 

Thanks so so much for watching this one y'all, and I can't wait to pick up Shippuden with you all next week! 

Enjoy the brain damage and the vibes!


Naruto Eps. 131-134 & 220

Watch "Naruto Eps. 131-134 & 220" on Streamable.



Episode one feels like yesterday we already came such a long way, cant wait to watch Shippuden with you. Also Im totally down to watch filler once we are done with Shippuden. Especially the light novel filler from the end of shippuden are really fun.


Happy you finally finished it it's been a long journey with you can't wait to see your reaction to Shippuden next week! :-)


Hell yeah man - I’m so excited to continue Shippuden with you guys and check the fillers too! I think the idea makes me so pumped being able to check like the separate arcs and stuff. It’ll be really fun! Also so true man - episode 1 feels so recent but we’re already here! Can’t wait!


Can’t wait for you to watch Shippuden! From now on it just crazier and crazier.


I'm down with watching the filler arcs after Shippuden & Bleach There are some interesting arc's in there too :-)