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Thank you guys SO MUCH for being so patient with this. We have a massive 7 episode drop today instead just to make up for it!

Also re: Mangekyō Sharingan - I checked and it was mentioned back when Itachi fought Kakashi in Konoha which was in the 80's or so, so it had been mentioned, but I don't think I remember it being like SHOWN shown, just mentioned instead?

Idk man Naruto throwing me for a loop sometimes but goodness this was GOOD

Can't wait to finish off the rest of base Naruto this Friday with you guys! On to Shippuden next week!

Also, I bought the Manga! :')


Naruto Eps. 125-131

Watch "Naruto Eps. 125-131" on Streamable.



I'm kinda sure it's 135, 141, 142, then 220 , in 141 first 18 mins is filler so skip that part the rest of the Ep is canon , & in 142 the first 7 mins has canon stuff the rest of the Ep is filler & then 220 I mean I guess you could just go to 220 after 135 & then on your own time look at the small canon stuff on 141-142 mixed canon/filler episodes lol :-)


The list that I have is until 135 and then 220 so I’ll just be doing that :)


As long as you're okay and taking care of yourself, that's the most important thing man! ❤️ And loved these episodes, Sasuke's past will always tear me up :')


Thanks so much Terese! <3 Absoluteeeeeely! Sasuke's past is pain :(