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Some absolutely SICK reveals this couple of episodes! Soi Fon with the bankai reveal at the end was wild.

Just adding on to the conversation at the end of 276, I had a bit more to say just on like this arc in general and one of the more general 'gripes' I guess you could say I have with it. Check out the 276 afterword below!


Also REEEEALLY qucikly - would anyone be interested in Bleach manga reviews (not reactions), where we review the manga in volumes? I really want to read it on my own time, but thought it could be cool if I can just talk more in depth about the story in general and also see where the manga diverges from the anime not with just pacing, but also with things like censorship and foreshadowing! Let me know if you guys might vibe that on YouTube?


Bleach Eps. 274-276

Watch "Bleach Eps. 274-276" on Streamable.


Victor Ciolacu

My opinion is that, because Omaeida is the leader of the scouts group his specialty is gathering information ( acting like an idiot and lowering the guard of the victim) There are also lieutenants that are not suited for battle (like Nanao, Nemu, Yachiru, Isane,and the Squad 1 guy). Omaeida is not a fighter, he is a jewel craftsman ( his rings are made by him) . He only got this position because his family is serving the Shihoin clan from the begining.


I think Omaeida is a good representation of some of the more dodgy parts of the soul society. He is a noble and kind of rides on his position and lineage and thinks it makes him superior (case and point his reaction when Renji was promoted) He is an interesting comparison to people like Byakuya who is also arrogant. I guess that like Soi-fon his clan has always been part of Squad 2 but unlike her or Yoruichi he has put no effort into improving himself or getting stronger.


Just watched the afterward: I agree that the fake Karakura Town drags slightly. It does serve to build interest in characters that are found outside of the Ichigo sphere. Very few of the characters here have had many interactions with him and so we know significantly less about them. Even though it is slow, I think this was necessary so that Kubo can expand and catch our interest in characters that will probably be more important as the anime continues. For example, Ukitatke and Kyoraku have maybe had one conversation with Ichigo combined. The added Omaeda content in the anime makes me want to tear my hair out though. They did not need to give him more screen time.


I personally like Omaeda, more as a world building tool but to some extent as a person. Stuff may or may not be revealed in time but even without that, in this part of the story, I like having someone there as contrast to the other matured adults and professionals. You can see aspects of his maturity and capabilities shine at times, like his speed and loyalty, so he isn't completely useless. It at least gives hope that he'll grow into a better person. When he was introduced it was to imply how corrupt the soul society is by accepting a fat wealthy soul reaper due to his family. So as a world building tool he is doing great, it makes the good and great people look even more important. He is to be disliked and that's why I like him.


Damn, I love Hitsugaya so much, he's one of my favorite characters - I adore his design, the animation that goes along with it and the VA as well. I just felt like saying it - I've loved him from the start, the love just grew haha Top 3 Espadas (not counting 0 obviously) are super cool... didn't expect to like number 2 so much tbh Also, let it be known that I'm all caught up with Bleach now hehehehe


This is suuuuuuper fair man! I shouted you out in the recent video, so thanks for this take! I really enjoyed your perspective.