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Don't mind my brain just...

having a meltdown towards the end 🙂🧍‍♂️

all I'll say is - wtf man


Apothecary Diaries Ep. 11

Watch "Apothecary Diaries Ep. 11" on Streamable.



I think it’s stated in a previous episode that Ah-Duo is much older than the other concubines. I might be imagining things but didn’t they say mid-30s? Maomao noted how she looks much younger than her age. So if she was around 18 when she had (possibly) Jinshi, and Jinshi is at least 18, that would make her maybe 36 now. She could even be more like 38 and Jinshi could be 20. Maybe I’m stupid?? My brain hurts. P.S. we have the same chair.


I was suspecting him being the emperor's brother - I think we've been hinted earlier... but I'm confused because Fenming (I'm bad with names, so I hope I wrote that correctly) said that she's been serving Ah-Duo for 16 years, right? So that would make him 16 or younger - since she's been there when he was born. Which makes no sense to me, he can't be that young? I'm rarely confused, but this anime is wild.


I went back and tried to find where she said that, but now I can't.... did I make that up? lol I'm even more confused now.


Ah Duo was stated to be 35, and the Emperor is 34. While they didnt say it in the Anime, but the LN mentioned that Lihua is 23 at the beginning of the Series, and Gyokuyou is 19. Regarding Jinshi, it was stated in the first LN that he "officially" is 23, though this is a Cover up story since he is in reality 18.