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Man these fights are goated but god damn this bankai reveal too!


Bleach Eps. 219 & 220

Watch "Bleach Eps. 219 & 220" on Streamable.



The hisagi fight was a standout for this group of fights, for sure. When you catch up and potentially go back for some fillers there is an arc that goes into his relationship with his Zanpaktou. Don't burn yourself out man. Between site and player issues it's been alot.


1000% man! Hisagi is so cool but still shrouded in a lot of mystery, so I'll be pumped to go back and check those fillers for sure! Also no worries man - I just had a few days of really shitty rest and exhaustion, but taking it easy helped a lot and I'm feeling all good! Thanks for the love and concern always brother. Keen for Wednesday's eps!