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Ask me to recommend a Dreamcatcher Rock song, and all I can say Rising, ask me for EDM and all I can say is We Are Young. Want something fresh? Shatter. Sir my mind is melted and I am done with my day. I need to sleep this off because I can take no more! Thought Chill Kill was AOTY, but HaHAhA


Also good sir, I did not say Pokemon for rising like I did for Lalalala but I was thinking it, but YOU SAID IT 😭


Rising> perfect for an anime opening?>Yes!

Christopher Clendening

I've been waiting for them to just make an EDM anthem song


I absolutely ADORED this album (including OOTD) on first listen. I think when you’re a fan of a bunch of really different genres of music, you almost can’t be disappointed with anything DC puts out. I’m 100% here for them experimenting with a different sound (which to me is still grounded in rock.. it’s giving Muse/Nine Inch Nails/Sonic Youth/industrial 90s rock/2000s nu-metal/even grunge).. if anyone has earned the right to change it up, DC has. The criticisms are it’s too “Kpop”.. to those I’d say they are ultimately a Kpop group, not a fringe Krock group, and they were vocal about wanting to try a sexy, more mature and fun concept, and they’ve done that without losing the core DC vibe. I’m so thrilled with this album, it’s just good vibes and fun, and I’m really here for the freedom they have to evolve after so many years in the industry. Understand it won’t be everyone’s cup of tea tho and that’s ok. We Are Young is the ultimate nostalgic feel good EDM track. Rising is just excellent rock. Shatter is just .. something I can categorise but is a bad B anthem with beautiful angelic vocals (the reason it cuts off because it’s about Medusa and at the end they turn into stone before they can finish the verse, in line with the myth).. I’m really curious how OOTD will lead into their next comeback (as it’s a two part storyline). Also need to figure out Discord to join your Insomnia crowd, they sound like my people!


Also.. don’t worry.. I think What is DC’s least favourite title track too (and a lot of people’s) 😂 I’ll always defend What and I’d probably be side eyed for my least favourite being Piri 😬