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Bro SABAODI. Lets. Fucking. GO. Literally so many things happened in these episodes my head was spinning lmfao




Joseph C Gdaniec

was rewatching some of these episodes and noticed something that unfortunately a lot of people tend to do with Nami. Around the Saboady arc you were saying you were impressed with her growth because she was willing to spend money on Camy when before she wouldn't care. I feel like this is missing a huge portion of her character and dismissing her background that basically taught her that money is a form of power. Nami has always used money as a means to protect the people she cares about. The reason she doesn't like Luffy spending money is bc she wants them to have some "power" in reserve for moments like repairing Mary or helping Camy. Nami literally always puts human life before money, or view money as a way she can preserve the lives of those around her and has always been that way. I know you didn't mean it in a negative way at all, but many people who don't like Nami as a character say the same thing at this point in the show "oh look Nami finally cared enough to spend her money" etc. Just weird how Oda writes these super deep characters where almost no lines they say are throwaway lines and people just ignore all of it to only judge the surface level in the moment. Feel like both the Zoro haters and the Zoro fanboys basically see Zoro the same way, as just a surface level cool swordsman, where one side hates that type of character and the other loves it and both tend to only focus on how well he does in battle and not the barely subtle writing about his outlook on life and his personal view of his job for the crew and other things that make him way more interesting in my opinion then "cool guy with 3 sword"


Idk man like I get what you’re saying but I do also think this is projecting a “most people who dislike Nami say this” kind of view onto a pretty surface level observation like you said. Nami’s obsession with money and treasure is quite literally her “meme”. The “One Piece” in my mind quite literally is the “friends that we made” along the way and you can see it in Nami’s character and every other character in the Strawhats too. I think to assume that I only think of Nami as a character that cares only for money (not sure if thats whats going on here) is about as equivalent to me thinking that Luffy just cares about food. They all have their running jokes, but I feel like at this point it doesn’t even need to be called into question whether or not Nami values human life above money. She literally only became obsessed with money because of Arlong’s threat and she did it only to save her village. The main thing she’s SUPER passionate about is map drawing and navigation despite being with her crew and again, I think that goes without saying. Also it’s got nothing to do with Oda imo. The thing about One Piece, like many other Shōnen is that they can be as shallow or as deep as you like. Even at the surface level, it’s obvious that Nami cares more about her friends than money so I have no idea what you’re referencing or what people you’re referencing. Oh, and Nami’s my favourite character too for the record 👍