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ZOU TIME AND WHOLE CAKE SAGA! Also maaaaaan this last scene why do I keep on doing this to myself lmao


One Piece Eps. 751-755

Watch "One Piece Eps. 751-755" on Streamable.


Aly A.

WELCOME TO ZOU!! It's still crazy to me how Bartolomeo knows a lot about Strawhats. Like I wonder where he got all those detailed info lmfao. Also, thank you for giving some context about Shanks in the manga! Now I'm more interested to start reading the manga too 🤣✊🏻 Zou is a good arc! Looking forward to watch more!!

Aly A.

Also for context, Reverie is like 10 (?) episodes but there are tons of recap scenes in between. So if you want to skip the recap scenes, you can finish the entire reverie arc in one sitting 🫶🏻

Amy Morgan

At the end of it he said that that concludes his "interview report", so he most likely asked them all how they joined the crew. Ussops' section portraying him in a better light makes sense if this was the case, lol. I would have loved to see his face as he was listening to their stories though, peak barto fanboy mode is pure gold.