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Man sometimes understanding the lyrics is a curse lmao this last song making me emo as hell and for what :(


Kep1er Kep1going Album Listen

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I love my girls. You know I have said this a million times, and it still will never change. This album is excellent. Cruise and Highlight are the standouts. I have to hold it close cause who knows when we will get over and get a K CB. I never left Kepi and never will, no matter what happens. Unlike the rest of my good Kep1ians out there, I am ready for D-day. Do I want them to stay together? No Shit! But that's the heart talking. I want them to succeed where W1, solo stans, just the general K pop stan community, even us loyal OT9 kep1ians, failed them. They did everything asked of them and at peak levels and beyond. It's wild how they were voted and designed to be theirs. There is no such thing as perfection, but they were close as hell to it. And nothing. That's the biggest heartbreak my girls had to endure. I don't care if I'm a biased piece of shit, but they are perfect in my eyes. I am ready for the future. Especially with YeShiro might 🤞joining Limelight cause I adore that group and love the music. Youngeun still will forever be the ace of ace, even if W1 didn't see it. Yujin doesn't give up on her dreams. Even if it is just acting, leader Dayeon will happen hear me. Chae is strong. Nothing is going to hold her back. Hiyyih, the one everyone had doubted NGL in the early-early beginning, I was one. But I knew she would shine, and she has and more as for Karu and Ting. Whatever they choose, I will support them. But I pray🙏🏼 don't stay away. We need them as fans. As for making a video on Kepi, Do you need my answer?! ✌️❤️Bro