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Ahhhh man this anime is so god damn great. Moves at such an awesome pace for me at all times AND conceptually some of the coolest things keep getting introduced? Brilliant. I can't WAIT to go even further!

3 episodes today as we finish off this arc before picking up from 72 this week (filler ahead). Looking forward to getting back for some more Shippuden ASAP!

Thanks so much for being patient to my live watchers! Recovering from being sick has taken way longer than I would've expected, so I was super excited to get back to this with you today!


Naruto Shippuden Eps. 54-56

Watch "Naruto Shippuden Eps. 54-56" on Streamable.



I actually really love these small breaks were its mostly just talking and explaining some "new" concepts. no action just peak world building. Nice change of pace before we get back into the crazy shait.


Non-Spolier Just a heads up the people in cloaks at the end of the episode are the main villains for the 57-71 FILLER Arc called the Twelve Guardian Ninja arc so you can basically forget about them for now lol 😁


Yeah absoluuuuutely man. I like how it’s just a little breather too - like just long enough to catch our breath and set up but not too long and not too short. Perfect!