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Thanks so much for being so patient with these, y'all! I hope this 2 hour+ vid is worth it! We had sooooo much to talk about but ugh who wants to read ahead with me after we're done with this season?!

Let me know below!

Also if you have any other thoughts, let me know below too! Enjoy guys!


Apothecary Diaries Eps. 17-19

Watch "Apothecary Diaries Eps. 17-19" on Streamable.


Holly Mai9

I don't think Lakan is involved in the plot since he was the one who looped Jinshi & Maomao into looking into the metal worker's secret technique. If the technique was lost then it would be publicly known as an accident not a conspiracy. I think he caught wind of the conspiracy & tried to indirectly expose it. I also think Lakan being surprised is more because of Jinshi’s concern and worry for Maomao. The fact that he would princess carry his “servant” and did not ask anyone else to carry her; for someone of Jinshi's status, servants would do the carrying, not him. Lakan more or less already deduced Jinshi’s true identity (imo Emperor’s little brother but really his son due to Maomao’s swap theory), and is also surprised Jinshi exposed himself for Maomao. *just me cooking & fighting myself to not read ahead *


Yeah I can agree with this honestly about Lakan not being part of the plot because also the one thing that's bugging me about this whole scenario is that this is how it's being positioned, but I also have mad questions about what happened to Maomao's mother like the processssssss of how things went down themselves. She seemed to be abused as well, so perhaps there's a possibility Lakan wants to save her from that but things are just looking shady right now. That's my cope but the anime is doing a great job of not giving that away if ever. I think though too that considering the metal worker's secret technique, it seems more like he'd not wanted to become involved directly for I'm sure a multitude of reasons, but it's interesting because Maomao herself mentioned about using all the 'coincidences' to trap Seirei if she was behind all of these things. Pretty similar line of thinking from Lakan too so we might have quite the parallel there and this was perhaps just a way of him bringing the attention to that for Maomao. (This is operating on the idea that he actually cares for his daughter haha) And yeah likewise - I think he was more surprised and taken aback than anything that Jinshi would come walking out of there carrying her as opposed to seeing Jinshi escoreted somewhere else hurriedly or something to that effect. He also might've been really worried for Maomao in case he hadn't expected things to actually wind up occurring at that moment. Last night I was in my suspicion bag HEAVY but I rewatched the scene where Maomao's mother tried to stab her (supposedly) and thought that the most obvious answer here is that Lakan is involved, but I think definitely not in the way that we think. It's also possible too that Maomao's mother might've been a bad person at heart herself, or had something happen to her leading to her Syphilis, and perhaps Lakan just didn't know at all. Also yeah if he actually does love and care about Maomao then her being involved with Jinshi would for sure be an issue for him - not necessarily just as a father but also Maomao's life would potentially be at incredible risk. In fact, maybe that's why she has an adoptive father instead? Lakan always comes around to the Verdigris House, so maybe this is his way of keeping an eye on her and making sure she's safe without drawing much attention to her so she can live without harm? He is THE tactician after all so it's not like he wouldn't be able to protect her if he did. Can't wait to watch the next episodes and HOPEFULLY GET SOME ANSWERS 😭😭😭😭 but yeah reading ahead we're going to have to do after this finishes because this is gold tbh.


If you do a manga reaction afterwards I’ll definitely be here for it !