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DeMeisha settled herself carefully on a distant plaza bench as she overlooked the admittedly pleasant display. The lights in the shopping plaza glowing in the evening sky as people moved around the outdoor shopping center with their bags, dates, friends and laughs. She remembered absently that she had actually enjoyed people watching when she wasn't always so busy hunting; and having just finished pigging out on a deliciously unsuspecting woman silly enough to stand alone and secluded from the rest of the crowd, she was able to enjoy the activity without aching hunger tugging at her insides. It wasn't long before DeMeisha found something else tugging at her and while she momentarily considered it was likely a bit of indigestion from the woman crammed in her bloated gut, she soon realized it was something else.

Reluctantly DeMeisha admitted to herself she was lonely. How it’d been quite a while since she’d had a boyfriend? Normally after such a meal, her belly bulging out immensely bloated and lopsided from her often desperately struggling meal, DeMeisha would’ve left the scene. It was often better to be out of the questioning range when people started inquiring into missing friends, boy/girl-friends and occasionally pets; from time to time they’d end up asking the big bellied woman with the independently bouncing gut and dealing with failed excuses and explanations were rarely worth the trouble of sprinting and hiding with a big belly or having to beat down and  eat a few more people then her belly could easily digest, leading to a long days ahead of stomach aches and heartburn. 

“Ugh, lem’me get the hell outta here.” DeMeisha grumbled, aggravated at her own self reflection. Her stomach gurgled as the woman-meat inside lurched, thrashing blindly as DeMeisha attempted to lift her body up of the bench to her feet with would-be practiced technique, except this time as she shifted her weight her hand slipped on the slick arm rail of the bench. Her decent back down into the bench’s solid seat was short and hard as she landed with a curse. The weight of the woman stewing in her shifted again, followed by a resentful thrashing about.

“Hey wasn't my fault. I slipped, gimme a break.” DeMeisha snapped at her gastric detainee, assuming she also didn't enjoy the hard drop. “It ain't easy carrying yo ass around in there.”

“Hey miss, you need some help getting up?” DeMeisha jumps at the sudden voice coming from right beside her. Darting her eyes up, she sees a handsome young man standing near the arm of the bench with a slightly amused expression on his face. He was younger than her by a few years , holding a small bouquet of flowers in his hand and was dressed in dark blue jeans and a colorful short-sleeve button up shirt.

“Damn boi,. You scared the mess outta me. Phew! Where da hell you came from?” DeMeisha asked holding her chest and elaborately catching her breath.

“Ah sorry. I wasn't trying to scare ya. I was just asking if you needed help standing up n’ all. Looked like you was having rough time with all that.” The young man grinned, gesturing towards her exposed swollen stomach with the bouquet.

“Pssh...not really. But since you’re here, sure give me a hand.” DeMeisha reached up with one hand, which the young man grabbed. The other hand she placed on the arm rail again for leverage. As they both heaved than young man pulling and DeMeisha pushing herself upright, too late she realized she had risen so much faster than normal that her ponderous belly ended up barreling into the man. While not completely losing his balance the impact pushed him back a few steps, while also disturbing the cauldron brewing in her belly and erupting from her mouth in an uncontrollable belch right in the man’s face. 


“Oh my GOD! Oh no! I’m so so sorry!” DeMeisha screeched mortified at the gastric expulsion. Bits and pieces of saliva, slime and a few miscellaneous items splattered his face and shirt. 

“I-I uhh...it’s o-okay. “ The young man said, clearly appalled yet trying to maintain a cordial facade. “W-Wow that was one helluva burp lady. What in the world did yo-” 

The young man stopped in mid-sentence as he plucked from the ground one of those various projectiles which had escaped DeMeisha’s gullet. It’s was a pair of mucus and slime coated glasses that were bent in a doleful angle which had tumbled from her gaping mouth,  ricocheted from his face and clattering to the ground. He picked them up with uncertain recognition in his eyes. Watching this, DeMeisha smiled nervously, placing her hands protectively over her swollen belly as if protecting the meal she had so painstakingly acquired and was intent on keeping.

“H-have you seen a w-woman around here?” The young man asked with cold ambivalence, holding the corroded and bent frame up.”A woman wearing a green jacket...a-a-and t-these glasses!?” 

“I, Uh. I can't say that I have. Umm...O-of course those glasses seem like a p-pretty common style.” DeMeisha lied avoiding eye contact with the man. If there was anything she’d learned as a man-eating woman it was deniability was her best weapon. That and the hope of the ludacris idea of her devouring another person whole, sometimes an accuser’s enthusiasm with doubt.

“I-Im sure if you looked around some, you may find h-her. I should really be goin-” 

“You ate her, didn't you?” The young man said, cutting her off. His eyes fixed on DeMeisha’s bulbous oblong stomach. 

“Wh-What? Nooo...No that’s ridiculous...” DeMeisha scoffed, flummoxed by his unwavering certainty. She could feel the woman inside, struggling and shifting about, probably alerted to the conversation taking place and attempting to make her presence known. DeMeisha tried to ignore it, but could see from the man’s face he was looking right at the movements rippling across the surface. 

“I’m just pregnant. Like, really pregnant. Duh...Gots like rentuplets or something. Whateva’ you call like six or seven babies. That’s all this is...” She tried lying again, rubbing and cradling her huge squirming stomach gently turning away from his view. “...and actually im quite offended. You calling me fat or something just because im super pregnant. Hmph! You shoud be ashamed of-

“Oh Please!  Look lady, you just burped up my date’s glasses! Of course you ate her!” The man yelled as he pointed at DeMeisha’s bulging belly. “ I can even see the shape of her body curled up and moving  in your stomach! LOOK! That's her gat-damned hand and that’s her friggin’ foot there! Im not fuking stupid!”

“Okay okay geez! Calm down! Hush dammit!” DeMeisha snapped at him. It was clear the gig was up. This guy was sharper then most of the potential prey she’d had to deal with and if he made a scene now it’d make her life significantly more difficult. She had to think and think fast.

“Quiet your voice.” DeMeisha hissed. “Okay fine you caught me. Yes, I swallowed the girl with those glasses and as you pointed it out she’s curled up in my gut right now. Congratulations for figuring it out.”

“I don't want your congratulations. I want you to let Kaera the hell out! She’s a sweet girl and I really like her. We had-I mean, we have tickets to catch a movie, so the sooner you let her out the better.” The man snapped back at her.

DeMeisha had no intention of letting her hard-earned dinner go. She considered pouncing on this man now, ramming his cute face down her throat and sorting out the indigestion and acid reflux later when she got home. The only problem was after the raised voices she didn't want to get caught in the act. Previously She had lured her dinner-Kaera or whatever- into a secluded area before she gobbled her up. Their current position near the plaza bench was far too conspicuous. 

Just then DeMeisha had another idea. While she had no plan of releasing her delicious guest , as far as this guy was concerned DeMeisha was holding a hostage. This was going to take some skill to pull off, but if she did she’d have leverage. 

“So you want me to barf my dinner up, so you can go to a movie with a crush? Look hon, you gonna have to make it worth my while.” She brazenly stepped forward shedding her defensive act and brushing her belly against him as he retreated suddenly nervous. “Ya’ see as far as I’m concerned I got that tasty meaty girl in my belly here, fair and square. Why would I purposely give up such a great meal? 

“Well..It’s...Uh…” The man stammered his courage slipping from under him at DeMeisha’s sudden brazen change of attitude. She cut him off before he could continue.

“And before you answer” She said firmly “ I recommend you DON'T threaten me. You try to call the police or whatever and i'll take off. Believe me, there’s no way you’d catch me before i turn this girl-meat here in to girl-shit.”

“So...what? What do you want to let Kaera go?” he asked, noticeably frustrated at this dilemma. 

Bingo. This was all she needed. Now she had the leverage and was in control. As long as this handsome young man was intent on somehow saving this girl-meat from the cauldron of DeMeisha’s stewing stomach, she could have him do nearly anything she wanted. But what did she want? Sure she could ask the guy to follow her somewhere secluded and finish off this whole ordeal with a distraction and a few quick gulps. But that’d be just...boring. Just then her earlier dilemma resurfaced in her mind. 

“Well… first you can tell me your name.” DeMeisha said drumming her finger atop her swollen bulge where Kaera squirmed in futility.

“My name? Uh, I’m Jaleel.” The man said, a confused expression on his face.

“Well Hi Jaleel. I’m DeMeisha. And I want you to take me on a date tonight. “ She introduced herself, taking the forgotten bouquet of flowers from his hand, and replacing it with her’s and shaking it. She took a deep smell of the multicolored flowers and smiled at him.

“Whaaa-??” was all Jaleel could utter at the brazen demand doubled with the undeniably lovely smile of the voracious woman before him. 



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