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Ke'Angela rubbed her swollen sister filled belly as she ascended the stairway to her room. She had pulled stunts like this on many occasion, swallowing her annoying younger sister when she got on her nerves. This time it was a spat over a “borrowed” sweater and upon finding a stain on it Ke'Angela lost her temper. Storming down to the living room where Conesha was watching TV, she confronted her sister, showing the ketchup stained evidence and accused her of ruining her favorite sweater. With their mother at work the spat escalated to where Ke'Angela pounced, gobbling her sister up with a few ravenous gulps the entire time Conesha continued to argue. Let me out you jerk. You always do this when we argue. I'll get you stupid sweater washed." No Conesha, you took it without asking. It's the principle. Your staying in there till you apologize and I feel like you learned your lesson.” Ke'Angela replied lumbering up the steps. “what lesson?! You borrow my stuff all the time. Bitch, you ATE my boyfriend three weeks ago! You better let me out before mom gets here, or she's gonna beat your ass. And you shouldn't do shit like this on Friday the 13th. It's bad luck. “Meh, Maybe...Mom's not home for hours. Besides Friday the 13th ain't real. Since when were you so supersti-ooaaaooaa! ” Ke'Angela replied just as she tripped on the final step at top of the stairs. With her center ear of gravity hugely displaced by the mass of her sibling bulging in her midsection, Ke'Angela failed unable to catch herself as her face slammed squarely into the corner of the stairwell knocking her out cold. Conesha, inside her sisters get felt the gastrointestinal world lurch and spin before slamming heavily to the ground and pinned beneath the unconscious body of her fallen amazon of a sister. “Ke'Angela? What the hell happened? Can you get the hell off of me. It's already cramped in here as is.” Conesha called from inside the fleshy prison. After a few more attempts to awaken her sister, yelling and kicking as hard as she could. She only received deep raspy breathing and a snort or two from the unconscious Ke'Angela for all of her efforts. It wasn't until she felt the tingling turned itching of her sister's stomach acids that she realized how much trouble she was in. “please Ke'Angela! Wake up! Wake up, I'm sorry. I'll never take your clothes again. Please just wake up!! ” Conesha pleaded with panicked kicking and punching as best she could in the cramped stomach chamber. But every attempt and plea was only met with the slightest breathing variances and sometimes an occasional belch. --------------------------- It was hours later Ke'Angela came to, rubbing a large knot in her head and wiping a dried line of drool from her lips. As she looked around trying to get her barrings, she noticed the huge, dreadfully” still and churning loudly as it's contents, her sister, was slowly broken down and digested. “Girls!  I'm home! What do you feel like for dinner?” called their mother's voice as the front door opened. “oh, Fuck… “



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