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We interrupt your regularly schedule smut for an important announcement.
The week so far:
1- A/C starts acting funny on Monday, call for unit maintenance later this week.
2- A/C unit apparently heard the call, decides to die completely. Currently 95 degrees in my studio.
3- Could be Friday before things are back to normal. Plans for this weeks Comic Pg (Agents of D.I.C.K. pg 13) will have to be put off until this weekend, as it's too hot to run computers for drawing/ coloring currently.
4- Will find some goodies from my vault to add to this weekend's update as way of thanks for putting up with this minor hiccup.

More news soon.
I'm sure there is a joke in here about things being hot & moist, but it's currently to hot and moist to find the humor in much of anything...



Yeah, never risk your PC under hot conditions


Ouch hope things are okay over there and yeah i agree with Animeplayer on this


And right when I'm about to hit my 1st goal and I've got some special stuff planned, so of course it all goes to hell. Oh well, next week when I'm back to doodling bewbz, we can all look back and laugh. While masturbating like a feverish gibbon...


Appliances always pick the most inopportune times to break down. Godspeed!


I am also doing editing works. When the computer is broken down, it is really frustrating