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Started off the new year with a pretty rough sinus infection, but I'm all good and hype to shoot again!




There’s a very Tifa vibe from this set

seith j laborde

I see the stairway to heaven in the bedroom hahahah


Glad you're feeling better. I am looking forward to whatever you have planned for this month.


I feel like a LOT of people got sick, I did too a week before christmas. Glad you're doing better!


I hope you’ll feel better soon ~ I remember my friend telling me about her sinus infection....creates pressure and head ache too 😫

Andy L

Glad you're feeling better! Take the time to recover when you need it, also wishing your new year gets better from here~ 😊

seith j laborde

Am I the only one hoping that this ends in a wet t-shirt


Hope you're feeling 100% soon Madi ^^ is the set based off these, because holy hell I might die <3


Thank you Mark! I'm ferling much better now! This will be the outfit for the first set! ☺️

Kevin Gibeault

I'm wearing the same pair of converses right now lol

Kevin Gibeault

Goes with the outfit as well haha

Sean Ryan

I love that top! ❤️👀. Not because one can totally see your nipples through it. Well that's part of the reason. 😁. Ahem, but it is in fact a cute top and compliments your lovely figure well. 😊❤️🔥


I had a sinus infection for about three weeks....so glad to be finally over it.