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soon to be fun in the pool, really.

this was a pic that I started on stream one night, just sketching. it started out as just chip and carper, and I added stone and duke afterward since I felt like it could use more. rider (a character I have only drawn, like, twice now but I do love him) was added wayyy later, and I was uncertain about his inclusion at first but am glad I did do it because I think he actually adds a lot to it for being tucked away in the corner.

it's probably obvious but... I'm super happy with this. I worked my ass off on this pic and I am not ashamed of that fact. easily spent somewhere around 16 hours on it maybe? it was a good chunk of time and well worth it. was fun having people along for the ride as I was working on it too, and everyone seemed to be enjoying it.

I believe this is taking place at stone's mansion (thus the massive house in the back) and chip has stolen someone's shorts and is making a run for it into the pool. carper is giving chase, and the domino effect ensues - bumping into an already naked duke, who kicks poor stone over into the pool unsuspectingly. unfortunately... rider is very close to the impact zone. he'll be fine though.

I was really feeling it with this? I just kept adding to it. it feels so good. one of my favorite details was just leaving their shorts strewn about the place, how's that for environmental storytelling??

love yall as always and thanks to those that stuck around watching through this entire process!



Evan Downing

I love this so much! I feel like there’s a chance that one day I could end up in the position Rider is in.