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just a bare naked new years kody I drew on stream tonight to ring in the new year! this was definitely chip's idea...

I'm real thankful for your continued support, I say it a lot and I know I have to sound like a broken record. but it just constantly amazes me. 2021, believe it or not, was the 10 year anniversary of vasuki! I flip flopped a lot on whether to do anything grandiose or celebratory with it or not, partly because I've moved so far beyond my old stuff that I'm just not sure I can even touch it again, and, well, an anniversary celebration would probably have to include those things. I have some plans this year, though, that I hope you'll enjoy.

I know that what I offer over here sometimes isn't a treasure trove of content but I do enjoy working and producing art for my patreon, and letting yall in on the intimate little stories and characters that rattle around in my head literally 24/7. the fact that you like what I DO put out there enough to actually support me, just makes it worth getting out of bed in the morning some days.

I don't wanna get too long winded or sappy, but seriously, thank you guys SO much! and... here's to a 2022 full of more of this stuff and further improvement of my craft. it's amazing that yall have been patient enough to watch me grow as much as I have over the course of nearly 11 years. whether you're relatively new or you're a longtime watcher, thank you from the bottom of my heart, truly.

happy new year! I love you all.



Evan Downing

Aww! 😍🥰 Happy new year to you, Vas! I can’t wait to see all the art you make this year!

DJ Salaryman

Happy New Year! Looking forward to the new ideas you'll have out for 2022!


Happy new year!! Its been a great time followin your work and im excited to see more in the new year!