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things getting a little silly at jayce's, adrian is throwing off his briefs and deciding to join the festivities.

just wanted to draw another fun little hot tub pic, I really went back and forth on the background, first it was no background... then I felt kinda guilty about that and just slapped this one together to give the idea. my backgrounds tend to be mostly shape driven anyway. enjoy the fox ass!



Patricio Renardo

Hot tub, booze from red cups, cute guys and no undies seem like my kind of party! Awesome pic :9


Oh man, a hot tub with good bros sounds divine! Also that's a great shot of Adrian~


That's what I'm talking about! I would love me a hot tub party like that <3


LOVE this


Fffffff!!! I wanna just bite that ass... I think the BG works out well!! Just enough detail to make it interesting, but it doesn’t compete for attention. My fav is that it looks almost like a solid color until you pay attention to it, and then it rewards you with a little more to the story! I think I’d live next door and peep in.. XDDD