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tell me some naughty pairings you'd like to see! I love hearing from you guys. I may actually draw one of them this month. 

and by that I mean, a pairing for an nsfw pic.

lots of good ones already tbh! if you guys like one you see in particular, leave it a like

sorry to update this multiple times but: I should also note they MAY be humans so... keep that in mind. I'm sure by now after yall have followed me long enough you've come to expect that though. so far there seems to be a lot of love for tre and carper, but also lots of approval for dads...

update again: really looking at trent and hammer or tre and carper, those are the ones with the most likes so far. so many good ideas overall though that I'd love to explore.


Ryan McBear

Aside from all of them and me? 👀 I think some Tre and Carper would be fun. Maybe Maxie and Sledge but only because they’re my faves.


Tre and Carper comes to mind, with Carper up to his naughty shenanigans. :P


Maybe Trent and Hammer, or Travis and Hammer!


More Maxie and Wally would be fun 😏Or maybe Chip and JV


Tre and jeff or stone and garrett


It would be fun to see Neil and Trent having some fun together. Or Neil and Travis maybe?

Charlie O’Conner

Tre and Sledge, Trent and Marshall, Treble and Carper, Max and Chip, or Jeff and Garrett... so many more come to mind from here X3


Travis and Victor!!