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Firstly, thank you everyone who's still a patron during these dry spells, I recently started a new job. It's now my main source of income and unfortunately it takes up most of my time. It's also very physical, so it leaves me pretty tired. I have been slowly working on projects and commissions on the weekends, but windows 11 recently put a stop to that. Both my drawing program and tablet took a big dump, and only recently started to perform again, I had intended to have the recent posts out on Christmas eve as a nice little surprise but oh well. I'll be getting to my messages after this post, so I'm sorry if you've been waiting to hear from me, though I do have some unfortunate news, I won't be taking on commissions anymore. At this time, with work and all, I just don't have the time I'd like to get commissions out regularly, so for now I won't be taking on anymore. Going forward, I can't guarantee when I'll post or what it will be, I might a do a poll here and there, but with the little free time I have to draw, I'd like to focus on the stuff that I personally enjoy the most. If that is a deal breaker for you, then no worries, as I said, I have a job now and patreon is no longer keeping me alive, it's just a nice little cherry on top at the end of each month. For those still subscribed, my suggestion is the $3 tier, you'll still be able to see everything, and it won't be a financial drain on you!

Anyways, that's all for now guys, thank you again for sticking with me, and I hope you enjoy the new posts!



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