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Clara had always loved the fantasy genre, and roleplaying was no exception. When her roommate expressed minor interest Clara jumped at the chance to include her and her boyfriend for a beginner's "Dungeon Crawl" session, though her intentions weren't exactly pure.

"Clara, is this...safe?" Megan asked her roommate, eyeing the small potion and then looking to her boyfriend for guidance, who shrugged unhelpfully. 

"Totally! And trust me, this will really help your experience!" Clara lied through her teeth, fingers crossed that her longtime crush and her annoying boyfriend would down the potion, no questions asked.

"Okay...if you say so..." Megan said slowly, watching her Jake down the drink without question and following his example soon after. Clara had always been strange, she loved decorating books to be like tomes, cups like potion bottles, though Megan normally avoided interacting with these items in any way, but her boyfriend liked video games, as she figured this would be a bonding experience.

Almost immediately the couple began shrinking. 

"Whoa!" Jake exclaimed excitedly, "That's awesome!" He held his hands in front of his face, watching his sleeves extend past his hands. They dwindled down into the carpet fibers, where they found the plastic and cheap fabric outfits of their characters, Megan a Mage, and Jake a Knight.

"Cool!" Jake said, swinging his tiny plastic sword around, completely unbothered by his sudden decrease in height.

"So, I'm assuming you have some sort of board or play set for us to explore?" Megan  asked, looking up at her titan-sized roommate.

Clara looked down at the two tiny people at her feet, biting her lip and relishing in the tingling sensation in her hips at seeing her secret fantasy realized. People were so trusting...

"Not exactly..." Clara said with a smirk, hooking her thumb in her waistband and sliding her shorts and panties down to her ankles.  Jake and Megan watched with mouths open in awe, Megan with a tinge of horror, Jake with excitement. 

"You're first task is to retrieve a lost treasure from within the depths of a sunken and murky cave~" Clara purred as she seated herself on the floor, legs apart, using two fingers to spread open her wet, throbbing lips.

Megan swallowed a lump in her throat, realizing this had been Clara's aim all along, and that she and her enthusiastic boyfriend were now far too small to do anything but play along...

(The Elastigirl Comic is still something I'm working on, I just wanted to mix things up a tiny bit, hope you guys enjoy the picture and story!)



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