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2022 Began with a bang, a rare virus began to spread throughout the world’s population, shrinking young adults to random heights, typically below 1 inch or possibly smaller. The majority of mankind adapted well, however soon after accommodations were being made, stories began to surface of bizarre situations, Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, Uncles, Teachers and Bosses applying unique methods in taking care of and or punishing the shrunken people or “Micros”, as not all people saw these tiny people as people anymore. My name is Jake, and I've set out across America and somewhat beyond to interview these people and their shrunken captives to try and hopefully shed some light on how the world has changed, and inspire others to think better of our tiny counterparts. 

The backroom of the pawn shop is dusty, the air is stagnant and still and humid, and I wonder if it's the combination of these things in the environment that makes the musty odor that wafts to my face so strong.

"Good like this?" She asks me.

"Yep, let me get set up and we can start." I respond. As I grab my notepad I wonder if the extra money I paid for this interview on top of  the money I paid for my new equipment (I'll elaborate afterwards) is even worth it. Twenty extra dollars out of my already limited funds to get my nose filled with the smell of this woman's swamp ass seems like a shit deal, but when she asked what I needed the custom equipment for and I told her, she admitted to having some micros herself, and of course, I had to interview her.

"Okay, so, name, age, and profession?" I ask her once i'm ready. 

"Natasha, 27, and I work in a pawn shop, speaking of which, we need to hurry, I need to get back to the counter soon."

I nod and continue.

"Okay Natasha, who are the micros you have...uh...there?"

She chuckles and one of her hands travels back to give her large round butt-cheek a squeeze. "No idea! Well, they were both customers at one point I guess, if that counts?"

"Customers?" I ask, "You mean they were in the store-?"

"Yep, I watched them both shrink away, they both came in looking for equipment like you, custom stuff to help them live easier once they shrank, neither one managed to finish the transaction though so count yourself lucky."

I look down at the two micros with a pang of guilt. They had been just like me once, on the verge of shrinking and looking desperately for a way of making life easier once it happened. It doesn't help that they're in a truly awful situation either.

Natasha's ass-crack is sweaty and red with warmth and pressure, I've already mentioned the smell, but for the two micros currently inside that nasty swampy canyon, well, I can't even imagine how terrible it must be. To their credit, they're both trying their best to avoid this awful fate. The tiny man and woman are working together in an attempt to pry Natasha's mountain sized cheeks apart so that they aren't completely smothered between them, but even I can see their strength waning. Natasha reaches back a second time and presses down on her right cheek, encasing the two micros in an avalanche of sweaty, stinky ass flesh and my heart sinks. With a sickening squelch she removes her hand and her cheeks peel apart again slightly, the two micros crawl, exhausted and battered from beneath her cheek to begin their fight anew, despite the hopeless situation.

"Why do you keep them there?" I ask, unable to keep the accusatory tone from my voice.

She gives a casual shrug , "Because I thought it was funny? I don't know, sometimes I put them down the front of my panties too if that matters?"

I shiver, two strangers, no existing history with this woman, now subjected to actual torture at her hands. Yet again i'm so tempted to rescue them, but the laws surrounding micros wouldn't side with my actions, and for all I know, I could shrink tomorrow, and then where would we be? Three lost micros in this great big world.

"You don't like that, do you?" She asks me as my silence continues.

"No, I don't. But you found them so according to our government they're your property Natasha." I say this through clenched teeth, I'm tired of seeing this situation over and over again, and i'm tired of smelling this woman's ass. 

I start packing up, it would be a waste of time to ask my usual final question and I want to leave as soon as possible. If I shrank here, I knew what my fate would be, another piece of living butt-lint for Natasha to play with and torture. 

"Oh we're done, good!" Natasha says, sliding her pants back up, encasing her micros in her musty tomb of ass odor.

I watch her for a moment as we return together to the storefront and wonder again if there was some way I could help, before I'm shaken from my thoughts as she hands me a small box.

"There you go tiny!" She says with a grin, "These ought to make your days to come a little easier!"

I take the box and begin to leave, unable to believe this woman.

I get to my car and sit in the drivers seat for awhile, getting over what I just experienced, before I decide to inspect my new equipment. 

The inside of the box is padded. Within it is a small drone, equipped with a camera, a miniature microphone and speakers fitted into a small vest, as well as a miniaturized laptop. All these things will soon be necessary for me to continue my interview series once I shrink, which I feel could be any day now. Even once i'm the size of an ant, I intend to keep things going. I start driving and the places I pass start to become familiar, I'm almost home now. Soon I'll know how my family will deal the news. I can only hope they won't be Natasha's...



Jeremy F

I really enjoyed the accompanying story to the pic!