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 2022 Began with a bang, a rare virus began to spread throughout the world’s population, shrinking young adults to random heights, typically below 1 inch or possibly smaller. The majority of mankind adapted well, however soon after accommodations were being made, stories began to surface of bizarre situations, Mothers, Fathers, Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, Uncles, Teachers and Bosses applying unique methods in taking care of and or punishing the shrunken people or “Micros”, as not all people saw these tiny people as people anymore. My name is Jake, and I've set out across America and somewhat beyond to interview these people and their shrunken captives to try and hopefully shed some light on how the world has changed, and inspire others to think better of our tiny counterparts.  

After having interacted with so many different people keeping Micros in various places and in varying states of comfort, I feel like i'm starting to be able to spot these people before properly meeting them.

I'm in a local clinic, working my way closer to home, when I notice the nurse attending me biting her lip and eyeing her own chest multiple times as she scribbles on her notepad, jotting down my info as I rattle it off, basic stuff, have I had loss of vision, do my clothes still fit as they normally would, etc. etc. Eventually we reach my current occupation and I tell her all about the documentary i'm working on, watching her reaction, and as I suspected she perks up.

"You wouldn't happen to know anyone currently in possession of some Micro's who'd be willing to do an interview, do you?" 

She smiles shyly and checks the door, ensuring it's closed before answering.

"Actually, I might be able to help you with that." She says, taking a step closer to me.

Before she'd even answered I was already readying my camera and notepad. "Oh? Please continue." I say encouragingly.

"Okay well, see, my parents caught the virus early on and...working in a clinic I was able to get them therapy and other benefits right away, only, they don't seem to understand how dangerous the world is for them now..."

Her hands are fiddling with the bottom of her shirt and scrubs and I can tell she's itching to show off where she's got them.

"Let me guess" I say, "You've got them on you right now?" 

She nods, biting her lip and then asks, "Do you have to show my face?"

I shake my head, "Not if you don't want me to, no."

She smiles shyly and then her shirt is up, hoisted over her breasts, her ID card suddenly much higher on her torso. She hooks a thumb into her bra and before I know it her bare tits are spilling out for me to see. 

I feel heat rush to my face, but I keep it as stern and impassive as I can. 

"I see...so...that's Mom and Dad then?" I ask, looking from one nipple to the other. On the left, a woman has just clambered back atop her daughter's massive nipple, having been knocked loose no doubt as her daughter exposed her chest to me. She looks upward in annoyance at her giant daughter. Meanwhile on the right, her father has not been so lucky. For a moment I fear he's about to fall, before he manages to pull himself up, still clinging desperately to his own perch on her nipple. 

"Yep, that's them!" She says, smiling. Her cheeks are a bit red, but she seems giddy, as though she's getting a bit of a rush from doing this despite her nervousness. 

"Okay, can I have your name, age and occupation for the record?"

"Sure! I'm Dianne, I'm 24, and I work as a nurse part time!" 

"Thank you Dianne, now, you mentioned these two Micros are your parents?"

"Yes, well, they were my parents really, now..."

She looks down at her tiny father, struggling on her nipple and giggles a bit. 

"Well, you can see for yourself, they aren't really my parents anymore now, right?"

I shuffle awkwardly and try to push past the silence, "So, I've gotta ask, why are they-"

"Why are they where they are?" She asks, giggling. She brings her elbows in, compressing her breasts and making them swell and bulge out, appearing even larger then before. 

"Well it's a funny story really, I used to keep them in my pockets. Like I said earlier, they both wanted to stay home all day, but I cant stand that, not knowing how they are, while I'm at work, so I started taking them with me. At first I kept them in my locker, but sometimes we're so busy that I never got to check on them, so then my pockets for awhile, until one day-"

She looks down with an amused smile at the micros straddling her bare nipples before continuing.

"-I accidentally dropped dear old Dad down the front of my shirt!" She giggles. "It felt amazing, I got these goosebumps all over and well, the rest was history, I'd found somewhere I could keep my parents all day long!"

"Wow that's..." Words fail me, this woman has her own parents clinging to her nipples for safety.

"Oh come on, it's safe!" Dianne says defensively when I fail to respond, "I know where they are at all times this way!"

I'd heard this line of reasoning many times, and I knew there was no arguing, no sense to be made of anything in this situation. This woman enjoyed the power rush she got from seeing former authority figures in her life reduced to mere toys. 

I watch a bit longer as the two micros do their best to keep their balance while Dianne watches them, giggling as she does so. 

"Don't you think they might be alright on their own?" I ask, feeling I should at least try and get through to this woman, for her parent's sake.

She considers me for a moment, but she shakes her head with a smile. 

"No, I don't think so, at their size an ant or a spider is dangerous, deadly even, I need to know where they are at all times, and if they're with me, then I know that they're safe, and this way I get something out of it too!' 

Again she squeezes her breasts together to accentuate her point, as if I don't understand what aspect of this she's enjoying. 

"Okay Dianne, I ask all my interviewee's this, do you still see Micros, in this case, your parents, as human still?" 

I hope for the answer I want to hear, but I know  I won't get it.

"No, not really. They're sort of people in a way, but not like you and me, not anymore."

She shrugs and lets her shirt fall back over her breasts.

"I see. Well, thank you for your time Dianne".

Things wrap up as I expect at the clinic. The virus is progressing and the transition could be within weeks, maybe even days. I find a cheap motel and start thinking over preparations I'll need to make soon in my head. I'll keep updating for as long as I can. 



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