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You guys want content, not an emotional post, so I’ll make it quick. I’m overwhelmed by your support, and I cannot thank you enough. It’s easy for me to say your support means everything, but I genuinely mean it. If I could hug each and every one of you, well… I’m not a hugger, *insert Kuzco no touchy meme here* but the sentiment is there!

So thank you, thank you, thank you! I am so lucky to be able to do what I love.

Katie xoxo



And thank you, for we are the lucky ones too because this is what you love to do which makes our game more interesting and fun.


Thank YOU!

Chanel HP

Glad that we can help you do what you love because you help us keep on doing what we love-- Simming!

Mendota Kelly

I can't imagine my game without your wonderful work. I am happy that you are feeling and doing better. Don't feel that you have to constantly come up with new things. I am happy with what I already have, and the support you give with new patches.