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Thank you guys so much for putting up with me! You've been my saviours, truly, you have! I'm home, still struggling, but okay. 

I need to start getting some content up for you, so here are the options... Update everything so it works, but leave it as it is, or update everything one at a time, fleshing out careers, adding work from home options etc. Let me know which you prefer and I'll get started! Obviously, the 2nd option will take much longer, which is why I wanted to ask you guys. If you pick the first option, I will still flesh everything out, but update my mega career zip file first, so you can play! I hope that makes sense, I'm all confuddled!!

Much love, gratitude and hugs,

Katie xoxo



So glad your recovering!

Georgia Holden-Burnett

Happy to hear you are feeling better, please take the time to prioritise yourself and choose the route for new content that you feel suits your needs best :)

Vickie F

So glad to hear that you are feeling better!


Glad you are on the mend!


I'm glad to hear you are on the mend, take your time and don't overwork yourself 🙂


You are so awesome. Glad that you’re okay and well.


Glad that you're feeling better!


I'm glad you're feeling better! I voted, but honestly, however you feel comfortable updating the content, and in whatever time frame you can that won't impact your health, is fine with me!


I would love for them to all be updated; however, do them one at a time if you need to. Just take care of yourself.


I'm with @Tasali. Do whatever works best for you, no matter what the results are. Only you know what your body can handle.


We're just glad you're doing better. Take time and don't over do it ❤


Very happy you are doing better and i do have to say this...The wife and I are enjoying your career pack! You are the first Patreon I have considered supporting. There are a lot of people putting in hard work but I am glad you are the first. It's well worth it!


Glad to hear you're home and doing better, Katie. Hope your health continues to improve and thanks so much for all your mods. They really enrich the TS4 gaming experience!


Very happy also to hear you are back home. Much love!!


sending good vibes!

Mendota Kelly

Take your time and get better. Besides I haven't stop using your careers, and they seem just fine to me. But I am really happy to hear from you.

Stuart Dollar

Yes! Glad you're back. Take care of yourself, first and foremost.


are any of your careers broken? or is there no way of knowing? i haven't taken your mods out of my game is why i'm asking. i'm glad you're feeling better!

Wendy Hubble

Take care and keep healing!


I'm glad you're home and hope you feel better soon, not for our sakes of course, but for yours :) I haven't had any issues having your careers in my game since the last patch, but my current sim is unemployed, so I haven't really tried to play with any of them either. But I'm super grateful for everything you make, even more so anything you make from here on out, knowing that you've got other things on your plate :)


So nice to see you again. I hope you're feeling better.


I was worried about you. So happy to see you up and around.


Honestly I would prefer to get the careers one at a time if it means they'll have more depth/updated for new features like work from home. If you decide to update all at once for compatibility's sake since that's what is winning on the poll, I hope you do consider upgrading some as well in future.

Gwen Jones

Yay! Welcome back. glad you're feeling better. I'd love to have all the careers updated first, but if going slowly suits your needs better feel free. <3


Happy to see you back. Take your time and take care of yourself. <3


so happy to see you're back! take your time


Glad you are well! -xo


Take your time <3


Hope you are feeling better very soon. We will get an email when you've updated them, right?


Please take your time! As much as I love your careers and struggle without them in my game the most important thing is that you are rested and well. Grateful for you and sending love xxx


Hey - checking in? How you holding up? It's been almost a month since ur last update so I wanted to make sure you were doing okay.