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Hi all, I’m still in hospital but hopefully I’ll be discharged the day after tomorrow. As soon as possible you’ll have a massive pack of updated careers, I promise. I can’t post on Tumblr as the hospital network restricts it, and there’s no 3/4G. If someone can tag me on there and let my followers know I‘m not ignoring messages and will update as soon as I can, I’d be so grateful. Hopefully word will get around!

Hope you’re all doing well, again I’m so sorry. I’ll be back ASAP!



Please take all the time you need to get better! Your health is more important than anything else.


Thank you! It’s a relief that everyone is being so nice and understanding. I know it’s frustrating having to wait. ❤️


Please...just concentrate on getting yourself better! That is the most important thing. The rest can wait. You just gotta take care of you. It was good to hear from you though and know how you're doing! I'm glad to hear you'll be getting out of the hospital soon <3


I hope you get to feeling better soon thank you for letting us know an update! Focus on yourself hun

True AI

Hey, get better! We can wait! 🤗


Don't worry about us! Please get well and don't push yourself. We can wait! ❤


Feel better soon <3

Garrett Chattin

Hope you feel better soon 💕 miss you terribly

Mendota Kelly

Get well, and don't worry. We will be here for you. Don't worry about making new content. Get well first.

Vickie F

Hope you are better soon! Don't worry. Your content is always amazing and we will still be here when you are feeling better.

Stuart Dollar

OK. Two things that should never really be combined in a single paragraph "I have been hospitalized" and "I apologize for not getting X done." Seriously. I'll be waiting patiently. Your life is more important than the paltry sum I'm using to bankroll your work. Take care of yourself.


Please take the time to heal and feel better. There is no need to apologize, just as Stuart Dollar mentioned. Besides, you're about the only patreon modder I know that will put out a survey on what we want to see next, then will systematically go down the list to release not just the winner, but all the rest. You deserve the rest. Please don't worry about us. We aren't going anywhere.


I hope you feel better soon. Take your time and be gentle with yourself.


You poor dear, I didn't realize you were in the hospital. I hope you are feeling better soon. Thank you for updating us periodically but, as the others have said, put your health first.


Hope you feel better soon, my friend! Take your time. Your careers (and fans) can wait :)

Alexandria Walker

Feel Better! As everyone else has said, your health comes first! Thanks for your dedication!


oh no feel better!!!! Take all the time you need your health comes first


I hope you feel better!


hope you're feeling better soon, rest up love :)

Black Rose

Glad you are out now. Stay safe


please focus on your health first and foremost. we can wait a little longer for updates if it means that you're going to be recovering and in good health.

Jessica M

I hope you feel better!! Get some rest and relax!!


i hope you're doing all right. thinking of you. happy holidays!


Was just thinking of you, you haven’t updated us in a while on your health .... hope your ok. Happy holidays!!!

True AI

Please let us know your condition. We are worried about you!


I hope you’re ok. It's been a month we have no news. We are worried, but take the time you need.


no no! don't worry about us! please get so much better and take as much time as you need.


Are you doing okay? Worried since it's been a month.


Hoping your okay, please let us know


does anyone know if they have any other social media under any other names? its been over a month and im so worried about them.


Thinking of you today and hoping you are okay.


I'm so concerned, I hope you're okay.


Same! Please let us know if you are okay.


I hope you are doing alright! thinking of you and wishing you well


Does anyone have any update at all? Is there any other social media page to reach out to her? This is super concerning.


I couldn't find any social media related to them. There is a Facebook page with their name but I don't think they're related. Someone on Twitter asked MMCC for some news but couldn't give any. This is really concerning.

Garrett Chattin

I called her she is ok as far as still kicking couldn't communicate for some reason she couldn't hear me but she's alive at least


Oh thank goodness, I was thinking about it just last night. Thank you for letting us know!

Garrett Chattin

Yes I called her ive known her since I was 14 (25 years) she's in the uk and im in the US im just letting yall know she is alive and just going through a hard time right now and has basically backed away from social media and the likes


Thank you for giving us some news! The most important thing is that she takes care of herself. I'm glad to hear that she is alive, and we all wish her the best and a great recovery ♥


Is anyone able to still play with her careers? I have not played the game in nearly two months. I hope she is doing okay.


No, her careers still need to be updated unfortunately.

Garrett Chattin

I dont have any updates unfortunately other then her phones still in use but not answering any calls or text


Would it be possible for someone else to update her careers? I hope she is feeling better.

Garrett Chattin

Shes alive, if not her phone wouldn't ring I've tried contacting her mom but no luck so far