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The relationship between the main and side branches of the Hyuuga Clan... Members of the side branch have harbored hatred towards members of the main branch for generations. Neji is not the first and will not be the last.

Hyuga Hiashi's face didn't move a muscle. According to the head of the Hyuuga Clan, members of the main branch are only required to clearly place themselves above the members of the side branch, as long as they have the cursed seal on their side.

- So what?! I'm not going to give up! – Naruto loudly objected to Neji’s words and simultaneously made a simple hand seal.

Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!

Pooh! Pooh! Pooh!!!

And dozens of Uzumaki Narutos appeared in a veil of white smoke.

"Wow, cool!" – Ranmaru gasped in admiration in one of the stands.

Meanwhile, Neji, faced with Naruto's shadow clones, gathered some chakra at his fingertips and aimed at their tenketsu.

Literally in a matter of seconds, the genius of the Hyuuga Clan destroyed almost half of Naruto's shadow clones with targeted and precise blows.

- Found! – Neji suddenly narrowed his eyes and exclaimed, rushing towards one of the Uzumaki Naruto.

Unfortunately, with a sharp blow from his fingers, this Naruto turned into a cloud of smoke, turning out to be another shadow clone.

Then the situation turned upside down. The surviving Uzumaki shadow clones literally threw a ton of mala at Hyuga, seizing the initiative in an initially losing fight.

But then Neji's answer came...


Literally buried under the enemy, Neji's figure began to rapidly spin around, releasing blue chakra from all tenketsu, and instantly destroyed the surrounding shadow clones of Naruto.

“Father, this is yours...” Hyuga Hanabi exclaimed in surprise and looked at Hiashi, who was sitting next to him.

– Heavenly Rotation! The legacy of the main branch... This secret technique is taught only to future heirs! – the head of the Hyuuga Clan suddenly became serious, and sincere shock was reflected in his eyes.

Because Neji mastered the Heavenly Rotation on his own, without instructions, one might say he re-created the secret technique!

“Yudao-sama, what was that?” – Ranmaru opened his mouth, looking at Neji spinning in the middle of the arena.

Now the Swordsman of the Mist was much stronger than the genius of the Hyuga Clan, but he was still interested in all sorts of powerful and cool techniques.

“Heavenly Rotation, but this is an incomplete version, you will soon see the real one...” Yudao smiled, without taking his eyes off the arena.

Only a true genius could so skillfully imitate the Heavenly Rotation without any instructions or instructions.

In the arena, Neji continued to relentlessly push his opponent. Until Naruto tasted the Eight Trigrams of the Sixty-Four Palms and found out why his opponent was so fixated on fate.

Just like in the manga or anime.

– This stigma is the irreversible fear of death that the main branch instills in the secondary branch. With the help of a secret cursed seal, the main branch can easily destroy the mind of someone from the side... The mark will disappear only with death! – Neji’s heavy voice reached the trembling Naruto’s ears, then he slightly bent his legs and added gloomily, preparing to finish off his enemy. – Your loss is destined by fate!

But just at that moment, ominous scarlet chakra gushed out from Naruto's battered body, instilling genuine horror in everyone around him.


Because of this, almost all the Jounin in the stands suddenly changed their faces, and some even involuntarily stood up from their seats.

"So Jiraiya started teaching Naruto how to control the Bijuu's chakra?" There’s already one tail...” Yudao shook his head, looking with a smile at Naruto in the demonic cover of a fox in the middle of the arena.

The Uzumaki no longer had such a strict restriction on the use of the Nine-Tails' chakra as in the original, following the partial removal of Minato's seal at the hands of Yudao.

This is already closer to the current state of the One-Tailed Jinchuriki.

It’s just that Naruto’s situation is easier and more controllable, while Gaara is gradually losing his mind under the influence of Shukaku.

In addition, Jiraiya helped the boy learn a method of controlling a small amount of Kurama's chakra.

But until this moment, even Uzumaki himself was unaware of his ability to use the demonic cloak of a fox with one tail, and not just borrow some chakra.

With such thoughts, Yudao thoughtfully stroked his chin and looked around with a curious gaze at the extremely tense stands around him.

Unfortunately, Jiraiya was too lazy to check the seal on Naruto more carefully, otherwise the problem would definitely not have escaped the attention of the experienced Sannin.

And for him it’s even better!

Meanwhile, Hiruzen furrowed his brows intensely. He would have long ago ordered the Anbu to intervene and interrupt the fight if Naruto had not remained sane.

While many of the Jounin had different expressions on their faces, the rest of the residents of Konoha simply looked at Naruto in shock.

“Wow chakra!” – Chouji involuntarily exclaimed, abruptly stopping his hand with chips in front of his face.

What can we say about Neji a few meters away, if even ordinary Genin in the stands felt Naruto's terrifying chakra.

The first form of a Jinchuriki was completely different from simply borrowing the Nine-Tails' chakra, as was the case in the manga or anime.

The current Naruto had no need to resort to tricks in his battle against Neji. Entering his one-tailed demonic fox mode, Uzumaki instantly overcame the effects of sixty-four palms and violently attacked his opponent.


A moment later there was a roar from a direct collision.

Naruto was soon breathing heavily as he looked at the defeated Neji at his feet as the Nine-Tails' chakra gradually dissipated.

– Irreversibility of fate and other nonsense... Stop it already! After all, you’re not a loser like me...” he said seriously.

And then Neji was carried out of the arena on a stretcher to loud cheers from the audience.

“Fate?..” - he thought, looking at the blue sky.

Immediately after the defeated genius of the Hyuuga Clan was carried away on a stretcher, Hiashi silently stood up from his seat and left the podium.

“Let’s go Ranmaru, let’s meet this white-eyed child who had the courage to resist fate,” Yudao smiled and also left the podium.

The face of the young Swordsman of the Mist expressed doubt, but he did not ask unnecessary questions and obediently followed the First Mizukage.

Until recently, Neji may not have been ready, but this fight and conversations with Naruto greatly shook his understanding of fate.


Let me change your destiny, Hyuga Neji!


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