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Yudao smiled maliciously at Suigetsu in his hand.

Hearing this, the hydrated Hozuki shuddered and instantly filled with energy.

As if nothing had happened.

– You’re not serious... Yudao-sama? – he bulged his eyes.

If the First Mizukage, who has recently been in charge of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, really refuses the candidate's qualifications...

Suigetsu's soul sank from thoughts of the consequences.

He dreams of reviving the former glory of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist!

- What did you say there? – Yudao raised his eyebrows in surprise.

- Yes, I’m just confused, wait a minute, I’ll show you my real skills! Aaaah... - Hozuki declared with hitherto unprecedented seriousness and, at full speed, flew into the thick of the battle in front of the indifferent Yudao.

Immediately, screams, sounds of ninjutsu and weapons sounded with renewed vigor, even louder than before.

They are all quite strong and have a unique style, and such a battle, each for himself, will help hone his skills even better, and gaining additional combat experience won’t hurt either.

The latter is especially necessary for Suigetsu and Ranmaru.

Ameyuri and Kimimaro have already matured as shinobi, and now they only need to hone their skills against different opponents.

Chōjūrō may lack a little strength, but among them he is the best in assessing the situation and making decisions. It must be thanks to these qualities that he managed to climb to the position of Mizukage in the original...

The same Jiraiya died in the battle with Pain, but he managed to analyze the enemy’s Six Paths in detail, which later played a decisive role.

Although, in the end, what is the use of assessing the situation and making decisions if the enemy is simply several heads stronger than you?

With such thoughts, Yudao stretched lazily.

In fact, the main purpose of this sparring was to help the newly minted Swordsmen of the Mist feel their role, with the exception of Kimimaro of course.

They must know the abilities of their comrades and clearly understand when to step forward and when to play a support role so that their squad gets out of any trouble alive.

Time passed, calm days followed each other.

The world of shinobi resembled the motionless surface of a lake.

In addition to training the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist, Yudao was killing time with Utakata, or more precisely, sparring with Saiken.



Mission Assignment Desk.

- No! I've had enough! I want some cool task!! – the yellow-haired boy with marks on his cheeks exclaimed displeasedly.

- Idiot! You're still just a beginner! Everyone starts with simple tasks, gradually moving on to complex ones! - Umino Iruka shouted, jumping up from his place at Sarutobi Hiruzen's side.

- Naruto! It looks like I’ll have to explain to you in detail, all tasks are divided into ranks, just like the shinobi of the village. You just recently became Genin, Rank-D is just right for you! – The Third Hokage said seriously, smoking his pipe.

- CRAP! All you know is to babble! You know what? I'm not the same... lazy and hooligan I used to be! – Naruto exclaimed indignantly and, puffing out his cheeks, stared displeasedly at Hiruzen.

“Okay, if that’s what you want... I’ll give you a Rank-C task,” the Hokage suddenly declared after a short silence and seriously added, looking at the scroll on his desk, “you will protect one person!”


Immediately after these words, the door behind him opened and he walked inside...

Drunk old man with a bottle in his hand.



– Hatake Kakashi left Konoha together with the Genin team and presumably the customer, the details of the mission could not be found out! – the shinobi Anbu respectfully reported to Yudao.

“Oh, it’s finally begun,” Yudao whispered to himself and carefreely waved his hand to the Anbu, “I understand, I’m free.”

Clap! Clap!

He then clapped his hands, turning his gaze to those sparring.


Hearing this, Ameyuri and the others suddenly froze in the middle of the training ground, staring at the First Mizukage in surprise.

Since when did they rest almost immediately after they started?

There was obvious relief on Suigetsu's face. He is ready to do anything, just not to train - that’s how much daily sparring has finished off Hozuki.

“Ringo Ameyuri, Hozuki Suigetsu, come to me,” Yudao calmly addressed his charges.

Ameyuri, her ears pricked up, beamed and joyfully ran towards the First Mizukage. From day one, she felt the effects and steady growth from the First Mizukage's harsh training!

Suigetsu was like he was lost in the water. Such challenges do not bode well...

“Run and get ready to leave the village,” Yudao went straight to the point as soon as the couple approached.

- Mission or what? – Ameyuri asked doubtfully.

“Not really, we’ll go to one of the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist of the previous generation, the master of the Kubikiribocho Beheading Sword, Momochi Zabuza,” Yudao grinned slightly in response.

- Momochi Zabuza! – Suigetsu couldn’t resist shouting, his eyes instantly sparkling with joy and excitement.

“You dreamed of the Decapitating Sword, didn’t you?” Well, you can try, just be careful not to accidentally lose your head...” Yudao joked in response to the sudden change in Hozuki’s mood.

– Who do you take me for, Hozuki Suigetsu, mu-ha-ha-ha! – the young shinobi laughed excitedly.

Then Ameyuri, who was standing next to him, involuntarily grimacing at Suigetsu’s satisfied muzzle, grinned maliciously with all her pointed teeth and poked him with one of the Thunder Swords.

Crack! Wow...

A bolt of lightning flashed and a cry of pain was heard.

A moment later, Hozuki was convulsing wildly on the ground.

- So you're going too? – Ameyuri respectfully asked Yudao, as if nothing had happened.

- Well, of course, how can I miss such a performance? – he smiled mysteriously in response.


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