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I wasn't able to have an individual hair for this month separate from AxA Paris, so in place of that I am going to have the 8 hairs from AxA Paris for you guys to download. 

This being said, I think going forward I am going to turn my tier 1 into a donation tier. There are a few factors that are influencing this and I want to be super open with you guys about why I am changing it into a donation tier and what that will mean. 

The main reason I'm doing this is that it is very stressful at the beginning of the month to get all the files together, links connected, make the different download posts that link to the right stuff, explain which is tier 1 and which are tier 2. It is a lot and I think it still leaves people confused, last month I got ton of people confused about why the Mimi hair wasn't for download because I linked to the tier 1 post on accident in the mess of making all the posts. It would be easier for me in the long run to just be like: these hairs are on my Patreon and have the hairs be locked to the tier til the public date. 

What does this mean for you?

There are three different things that you can do before April:

You can unpledge anytime this month (March) and you will not be charged anything in April. 

You can up your pledge to tier 2 ($2 a month) and you will start getting 3 hairs every month (along with any CC packs I release in the future). Alongside the 3 hairs, you will be able to vote on the hairs that release the following month. 

If you up your pledge today you will only be charged $1 extra dollar as you have already paid $1 for March. This will give you access to the entire AxA Paris pack along with voting for April hairs in the next few weeks.

You may want to continue just supporting me by donating $1 a month. Which is fine and I appreciate it a ton. You have all of March to decide before you get charged in April so you don't need to decide today, this week, or even in the next three weeks. 

Comment any questions and I will answer them ASAP




It's fine, your content is extremely high quality. Whatever reasoning behind it is valid either way! I will be going from $1 to $2


You've done it again!! Your content is amazing!! You really save the sims with your creations. Thank you for taking the time to make all these amazing pieces for us to enjoy in our games throughout the years.


All your CC is so amazing and I never have problems with them, so whatever you do I'll support you!


Amazing quality and creativity! Once again you guys killed it !

Jennifer Lambe

Question! I did an annual pledge, what might happen for me? I'm happy to upgrade to pay the difference to a different annual pledge to support... Just curious if this has an answer.


That’s a really good question, I honestly would assume you could up the tier and it let you pay the difference. If not message me and I can figure a workaround for it or I can refund you (I think).

Jennifer Lambe

Hi. I just completed the upgrade - the site is clever and appears to have charged me the difference. I think I'm all set - thank you for taking time to respond.

Spellbound .

im got this !!! but i wanted to know who did your beautiful art D: