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Hey everybody, hope you guys have been having a nice holiday season and staying safe. Two of the hairs this month have 2 versions so be sure to check the posts themselves to see the 2nd versions and if you only want one. The .zip file downloads for the Beverly and Hannah Hairs are attached to this post.  The Brenda hair will be added on the 9th due to EA policy.  Brenda Hair is now added. Fixed a shadow issue with the Brenda hair, please redownload.

Please wait for public release before posting any conversions of these hairs; recolor .packages can be posted in my Patreon community if you would like to post them early for other Pledges. Using the hairs in edits/public posts is completely fine. Let me if there are any issues.




Where is brenda's hair?


Hey, that hair will be added on the 9th. Ea has a policy that for early access CC it has to be released within 21 days of it being on patreon. On the 9th sometime you’ll get an email saying that the hair is on here to download :)

