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Okay. Not really sure how to explain this. 

So I start back college at the end of August and for some reason my financial aid this year is less than last year. I signed up for a payment plan in 2018-2019 school year and used my Patreon money along with some help from my dad to afford being able to go school last year. I paid half my dad did the other half. This year it is obviously more because I got less financial aid. My dad told me he was going to help with it but then now doesn't think he should have to help pay since he did last year. We aren't on good terms rn lmao. Anyways, I talked to some of my friends about this, and my old roommate Amber knows that I do Patreon (she has a simblr lmao). She said I should raise the price of pledging which I have been thinking about since I talked to my dad a few days ago. I would only be wanting to raise it to $2 a month for early access + voting. Basically merging the tier 1 and tier 2. I just hate the thought of increasing it for so many people. But I am trying to figure out if will need to look into a job outside of Patreon to pay for the payment plan. 

This poll is to help me decide everybody's opinions. I am leaving it open til August 5th. Any changes will be made for September based on what you guys decide through the vote. I honestly don't know if I will go through with this because of how it makes me feel to raise the price so long after starting Patreon.

Please vote truthfully, voting is anonymous to me and I honestly will not be sad/mad because of this <3 I just am trying to figure out my options and stuff. I will not stop creating. 


Robin Feagan

Hun 2 dollars is not a big deal. I went ahead and up’d it now so that way I get it in earlier. Hugs.


As a college student, I understand your struggle. You do what you have to do and I’m really glad you included us in this decision make it.


Thank you 😭😭 I was so nervous posting his so your comment makes me feel like so much better. Thank you again 💕 also I love the dog in your profile picture djdndnd

Robin Feagan

Why that’s what this community is for. We enjoy your creations and if we want to see them keep coming you’ve gotta live somehow.


Do what you need to do. We will support you.


Just switched up to the $5 a month one now to help you out. I don't just pay for three hairs a month - I pay to support you as an artist and I am here to help you through your education so you can become even more talanted and skilled. Lots of love!!! xxx


Honestly, you are so active on here that I would pay like $10 a month for tier 3. I know how it feels to be a struggling college student, and I support you as an artist, creator, and student, and it's really. Nice to see creators engage and make decisions with their patrons. All​ the best.​


Honestly, $2 isn't bad if you merge the tiers and your content is top quality. Literally ever hair you put out is so gorgeous and well made. I don't think many people would care about paying the extra $1. You deserve it! Best of luck


I upped mine as well. Best of luck to you!


Already upgraded to tier 2, will continue to support you more! &lt;3


I upped mine as well. You do what you have to do. $2 is almost the price of a bottle of soda. If it helps you go to school, I'm more than happy to help out. :) Edited to add: Plus your content is so good it's well worth it. Look how much money we pay for what EA puts out. Your stuff is 100 times better than that.


Id love to support you for 2$ but i cant afford it. Of course you should definitely do what works best for and im sure there are lots of people who will be able to help out! &lt;3


I'm in college too and I totally understand, I've been doing the 1 dollar subscription. But I have no problem with upping my subscription to help. Goodluck


Wait they can do that??!


I support the $2 pledge if it will help you


They're donations and not compulsory or mandatory so I don't see any harm in raising it to $2 for early access. Hope you earn enough to pay for it.


But why modify early access? You already have a 2$ tier, if people want to help you more they can pay that :( Imagine every creator would do this, a lot of us are patreons of many people :'( Please, out of respect for us, don't


Hey Katherine, I really am not trying to be disrespectful to you guys. That's why I'm doing this poll to see everybody's thoughts about this and make my decision off of that. I explain in the main post why I am needing to change early access to $2 a month. I need a way to pay for my college tuition because the FAFSA I get doesn't cover the costs of my university. Otherwise I will have to look into getting a job and alongside school, I doubt I would have much time for creating as much CC a month as I do now. I also doubt many creators would change their tiering system because of me, as most don't offer early access to 3 things at once in a month and it is a more staggered system of releases. I could change $1 early access to 1 week before and $2 early access 3 weeks before. But that would confuse a lot of people I'm sure. If the change does happen I still am releasing all my content publicly within the 21 day EA time limit so nothing would be locked behind the tier I can promise you. I have almost 30 CC items releasing in August for all $1 pledges. If early access does change to $2 a month it will not be until September that way people have over a month to make the decision if they still want to support me.


I personally don't mind upping my own donation; however, I find this reply (by wild-pixel) to be pretty rude. This is on a post literally asking people for their input, so someone made a reply with their input. There's no reason to even say anything. This isn't your personal Patreon account, and ah00b already replied. If this was on your own Patreon, I would understand, but I think it's pretty inappropriate to try and be condescending/rude to someone who voiced their opinion on a post asking for opinions... just unnecessary.


I agree that their comment comes off as rude/condescending and I'm sorry the comment has been up for so many days. I wasn't sure how to deal with it as some people believe that deleting is a comment is a way of trying to brush things under the rug. Thank you for bringing this back to my attention &lt;3