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Eric Stenbock: submitted for the approval of the midnight society, i call this the tale of the other side
Stenbock: ok so there's this brook
Stenbock: and everyone in the village says you shouldn't go to the other side
Stenbock: they're all like "nooo don't go to the other side"
Stenbock: "the other side is bad"
Stenock: "the other side is scary"
Stenbock: "it's too gay"

Stenbock: but this kid named gabriel goes
King: oh, another gabriel!
Stenbock: and gabriel is not like other boys
Stenbock: all the other boys love violence and sports ball
Stenbock: he's super sensitive and artistic and gentle

Stenbock: you know, he's just...
Stenbock: different
Barker: oh believe me I know
King: is this about being gay?
Barker: steve its decadent literature, of course its about being gay

Stenbock: now gabriel has a friend named carmilla
King: oh!
King: another carmilla?
King: you really like those names
Stenbock: yes!

Stenbock: so on the other side of this brook
Stenbock: there's wolves and werewolves and wolves with the heads of people and people with the heads of wolves and wolves with people legs and also people with wolf tails (and they all have red eyes) and wolves with people ears and people with wolf ears
Stenbock: and some scary owls too

Eric Stenbock: hey does anyone here know anything about vampires
Bram Stoker: oh i'm your man
Stenbock: cuz i think i might be a vampire
Stoker: okay um
Stoker: why do you
Stoker: why do you think that

Stenbock: well see i think i might be a vampire
Stenbock: cuz i really really like men
Stenbock: you know, like, sexually
Stoker: that's not a vampire thing

Stenbock: are you sure? cuz i feel like it is
Stenbock: i feel like me liking dudes is definitely a vampire thing
Stoker: no vampires are not gay
Stenbock: i dunno, i'm gonna ask le Petit Comte
Stoker: do NOT ask le petit comte!

Stenbock: [through le petit comte] vampires are gay
Stoker: they are not gay!
Stoker: shut up!
Stoker: shut up you stupid puppet!
Barker: bram are you yelling at the puppet
Stoker: well...!
Stoker: well, he's wrong!!!




Trish Ledoux

Steve’s bright and cheerful naïveté makes me happy