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JK Rowling: hello children
Rowling: good newssss
Rowling: elon mussssk the sssmartesst man in the says ciss isss a sslur
Rowling: you can't sssay cisss
Rowling: itsss a ssslur you sssee
Barker: you can't say what?
Rowling: ciss
Barker: you just said it

Rowling: what
Barker: you just said the slur
Rowling: well of coursse i sssaid it
Rowling: i'm allowed to ssay it
Rowling: i jussst meant THEY can't ssay it
Barker: who?
Rowling: you know
Rowling: THEM

Rowling: i can ssay ciss
Rowling: in fact i can sssay ANY of the sslurss
Rowling: the important thing isss the transss can't sssay it
Rowling: becaussse
Rowling: and thisss is key
Rowling: they don't have rightss

King: gee joanne don't you think that's a little messed up
Rowling: oh excussse me
Rowling: if they wanted to have rightsss they should have thought ahead and become a billionaire like me
Rowling: then they could buy all the lawsss they wanted!

Rowling: like elon musssk i'm a free ssspeech absssolutissst
Rowling: exept when it comess to the transss
Rowling: and alsso anyone who criticizess me
Rowling: and not too sssure about the jewsss either to be honessst

Rowling: look, cisss isss a ssslur
Rowling: no one isss allowed to ssay cisss
Rowling: i am not cisss
Barker: so what are you saying you're trans
Rowling: NO
Rowling: i'm jussst not cisss
Barker: so what, like
Barker: non binary?

Rowling: how dare you call me cissss! i am not cissss
Rowling: cisss issss a sssslur
Barker: so you're not cis
Rowling: I am not cissss!!!
Barker: so
Poe: clive  
Barker: no no she started this, let her explain it
Poe: clive i'm just really tired

Rowling: alsssso i've decided that ssstraight is a ssslur too
Rowling: alssso white
Rowling: it isss a ssslur to perceive me


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