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Harry Turtledove: greetings citizens of earth 12, do not be alarmed
Poe: oh hi harry
Turtledove: ah you know me?
Turtledove: i've passed this way...
Turtledove: before?

Turtledove: [adjusting handheld device] hm the dimensional transmogrifier got decalibrated
Turtledove: it must have been the negative chronobytes from that ion storm on earth 27⁸
Barker: oh yeah definitely that's what did it
Poe: clive
Barker: definitely the negative chronobits

Turtledove: Quick! what year is this?
Poe: it's 2023
Turtledove: and the president?
Poe: it's biden
Turtledove: and the coelacanth? still extinct?
Poe: actually you're never gonna believe this
Turtledove: no! nooo! i'm in the wrong world again!

Turtledove: quick show me some of your world's great art
Turtledove: then i can get my bearings
Dan Simmons: oh you're gonna love this
Simmons: check this out
Simmons: it's donald trump but he's super buff
Simmons: just absolutely ripped

Simmons: see its trump but he's so swole
Simmons: that he can break the chains of liberal oppression with his bare hands
Simmons: and look at that glorious full head of hair!
Simmons: i wish he was my dad

Simmons: and here you see swole Trump beating up some traitorous democrats
Simmons: and some america hating protesters
Simmons: and some italians
Lovecraft: you know
Lovecraft: these paintings make a strong point!

Turtledove: ah typical fascist art
Simmons: pffft oh typical LIEberal! everything's fascist to you!
Simmons: next you'll say there's something fascist about worshipping our supreme leader as the god made flesh that he is

Simmons: what do you know about fascism anyway?
Turtledove: i have a history PhD, write extensively on fascism, and have personally visited over 80fx&⁵ timelines where america has devolved into fascist authoritarianism
Turtledove: however
Turtledove: this timeline is the dumbest

Turtledove: i must go now
Turtledove: and continue my quest to restore the proper timeline
Poe: oh? whats the proper timeline like
Turtledove: its not all that different honestly
Turtledove: except that humans evolved from raccoons


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