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Ben Farthing: Submitted for the approval of the midnight society, i call this the tale of the circus tent that i found in the woods behind my house
Barker: hell of a title there, man
Farthing: you think?
Farthing: is it too much?
Barker: naw naw it's good

Farthing: so there's this mysterious circus tent that just appears
Koontz: oo! i love a circus
King: no dean
King: i'm pretty sure this isn't going to be like that kind of circus
Koontz: how do you know?
King: just a hunch

King: just in general, dean
King: i don't think if anyone tells a story about a circus
King: at this campfire
King: it's ever going to be about a good experience
Koontz: circuses have clowns
King: yes dean
Koontz: clowns are funny
King: ok dean
Poe: let him have his fun steve

Koontz: gosh i dunno i think circuses are fun
Koontz: i went to a circus once
Koontz: i saw trained dogs
Koontz: there was probably other stuff too but that was the important part

Farthing: so a father and son in the woods discover this bizarre circus tent
Farthing: that eats them and then they can't leave
Thomas Ligotti: are there clowns
Farthing: yes
Ligotti: are the clowns manifestations of the protagonist's inner guilt
Farthing: you better believe it!

Farthing: and not just clowns in this circus
Farthing: but also
Farthing: statues of clowns
Ligotti: are you saying
Ligotti: there are dummies?
Farthing: you could say that
Ligotti: hm
King: oh wow i've never seen thomas so excited!


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