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1. Guys remember to download the Comic! It will be available till today at 11:59! After that, it will become a gumroad comic at a higher price!

2. I'm getting more and more scraper tier subscriptions (many thxs by the way) but i dont have new people on my discord!!!  THE SCRAPER LEVEL ITS DISCORD EXCLUSIVE. IF YOU DONT HAVE DISCORD OR IF YOU HAVE IT BUT YOU ARE NOT IN MY SERVER, THEN YOU ARE NOT GETTING THE ADVATANGES OF THE TIER. 

The process should be automatic. Here on the patreon page (web), you link your discord account to patreon. After that, you should be automatically added to my server! 

Please let me know!




Where is the comic link?


Hi can i still get the comic please?

0:20 Yasuo

Wait sorry. What Comic was this?