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Hey people, first of all, sorry for the absence. I took some days i didn't knew i needed. I've been working non-stop since i started the patreon, and i just learned (the hard way) that i needed some rest.

New sequence coming very soon (hopefully today). Angles, angles and more angles!

 (the 3rd part of the CQ17 won't be available anytime soon. I think that 3rd part will take WAY TO MUCH TIME so i will try to prepare and improve some stuff first.)

Lastly, i will make a slight modification to the patreon tier prices. +$1 for normal tier, -$1 for the scraper level. this changes will take place in 30 days for current subscriptions (for new people, starts today).

Hopefully, you guys stay with me on that decision! As always, thanks for the support!

Have a nice day!



Stay strong~ Sometimes, its the things that take time and patience that will come out as the biggest success~ Never forget~


this is my favourite one,would love to be inside that steel footprint next