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Seeing Sakura run out of the office with tears in the corner of her eyes after being reprimanded by Colt, Tsunade raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Isn't she your teammate? You seem to have some strong opinions about her."

Colt waved his hand dismissively.

"Let's not talk about her. That girl is simply unfit for the ninja work."

Tsunade, noting his attitude, decided not to pursue the matter further.

Her thoughts of accepting Sakura as an apprentice vanished instantly.

People have varying degrees of closeness, and as one of the closest to her, Colt's opinion carried significant weight over a potential disciple.

Moreover, Colt would undoubtedly become the next Hokage, and Tsunade wanted to train some helpers for him, not potential adversaries.

However, Sakura's chakra control was undeniably quite impressive.

It wouldn't be a complete waste to rope her in.

Tsunade made a mental note to transfer her to the medical unit instead.

In the blink of an eye, Sakura's fate was decided. (E/N: What are your thoughts about this? Personally, I don’t care much, since I have never been convinced that Sakura was fit to be a ninja)

After discussing the Sasuke incident, Tsunade brought up another matter.

She looked at Colt curiously, holding the alliance document from the Land of Snow.

"How did you manage to not only make the Land of Snow an ally of Konoha but also secure a long-term escort mission?" Even for Konoha, with its extensive resources, protecting a daimyo for long was a lucrative job.

Colt rubbed his hands embarrassedly and decided to briefly explain the situation between him and Koyuki Kazahana.

Once she heard him, Tsunade's expression twisted into a mix of amusement and disbelief.

"I sent you on a protection mission, and you ended up in bed with the princess now turned daimyo?"

Colt could only offer an embarrassed but polite smile.

Unexpectedly, Tsunade's face changed, and she burst out laughing.

"Well done! As expected of the genes and handsomeness of a Senju. Colt, you should strive to father a big, healthy fat boy as soon as possible!"

She was pleased with Colt's capabilities.

She found out that she actually didn’t mind Colt’s romancing so many girls at all.

Perhaps, with Colt having the wood release, even his children would have it.

‘What a time would that be for Konoha?’ she couldn’t help but wonder.

Meanwhile, Colt just wiped his cold sweat and remained silent.

If Jiraiya had done something like this, Tsunade would have rushed in to punch him.

But with Colt, she just smiled and said the more, the better. A classic double standard.

In the end, at Colt's suggestion, Tsunade sent two special Jōnins to the Land of Snow to become Koyuki's guards. For obvious reasons, they were females…

Their conversation was cut short when Shizune entered with a stack of documents, chasing Colt away.

Tsunade was incredibly busy these days; if they kept talking, she wouldn't be able to leave work until late at night.

Looking at the documents in Shizune's hands, Tsunade's face fell.

Being the Hokage was so demanding that she didn't even have a chance to visit the casino, and she had to carefully budget her time for an after-work drink.

A few days later, Naruto, who had fully recovered, decided to leave Konoha with Jiraiya for training.

Before departing, Jiraiya and Naruto came to find Colt. The trio went to Ichiraku Ramen.

"Take care of Konoha, will you, brat?" Jiraiya patted Colt's shoulder and smiled as he gave his instructions.

He knew that after he left, Konoha's strongest ninja would be Colt. Even if he stayed, this kid might surpass him soon.

Taking Naruto away for training could attract the attention of some Akatsuki members.

However, after the failed invasion of Konoha, the Land of Wind and the Land of Water were no longer a threat.

The Land of Lightning and the Land of Earth had their own concerns, and their shared border had never been peaceful.

Remembering the shocking news Tsunade had once shared, Jiraiya felt somewhat relieved.

Colt nodded. Konoha was gradually becoming the village he wanted to see, and he naturally wouldn't allow anyone to destroy his territory.

Glancing at Naruto, who was feasting on ramen, Colt used a seal on Naruto's body to reserve a portion of his own ocular power, preventing the Nine-Tails from going berserk, just in case.

Today's Naruto was stronger than in the original timeline, but this also came with hidden dangers. The more Nine-Tails chakra he could manipulate, the higher the possibility of losing control. Leaving such a seal was just a precaution.

Watching the two walking out of Konoha's gate, Colt knew their next meeting would be three years later. And at that time, it would mark the beginning of the plot's acceleration.

Nara Clan Compound.

Shikamaru was playing shogi with his father, Shikaku. But something was a miss this time.

Noticing his son's distracted demeanor, Shikaku remained silent, taking advantage of the opportunity to win two more games.

Finally, after a rare two-game losing streak, Shikamaru put away the board and said with determination, "Father, teach me how to train properly. I'm still far from where I need to be."

Shikamaru's mood fluctuated as he recalled his feelings of powerlessness during the recent events. He had just heard the news of Naruto leaving the village for training...

He didn't want to be left too far behind.

A smile played at the corners of Shikaku's eyes.

He was well aware of Shikamaru's character and vision, but things often didn't go as planned. As time passed, Shikamaru would forge more bonds, giving him more reasons to work hard and protect those he cared about.

Hyuga Clan Compound.

Neji stood before Hyuga Hiashi, greeting him respectfully.


After learning the truth about his father's sacrifice, Neji still harbored some resentment towards the Hyuga clan's system. But for his uncle, he felt genuine respect.

"Neji, have your wounds healed?" Hiashi looked at Neji with admiration. As expected of his younger brother's child, he had already mastered the Eight Trigrams One Hundred Twenty-Eight Palms.

"I'm completely fine now," Neji replied.

"Good. In that case, you'll begin training with me tomorrow."

Neji looked up in surprise.

"What about Hinata-sama and Hanabi-sama?"

At the mention of Hinata's name, Hiashi's face brightened.

"Hinata has been accepted as Tsunade-sama's disciple. You needn't worry about her."

"As for Hanabi..." Speaking of his younger daughter, Hiashi's smile became somewhat strained.

"Hanabi is still young. Let her enjoy herself for another couple of years."

Neji looked at Hiashi oddly.

He could hardly believe these words came from the clan head's mouth. He knew how strict Hinata and Hanabi's upbringing had been in the past, especially after Hinata was half-abandoned, and Hanabi endured a hellish training regimen.

How had things become so lenient now?

Little did Neji know of Hiashi's difficulties.

Ever since Hanabi had come into contact with Colt, she had become increasingly difficult to control. If anything went wrong, she would run to Colt's house.

With Colt's backing, even Hiashi couldn't be too strict with her.

Hiashi already had an ominous premonition. Perhaps he wouldn't be able to keep either of his daughters within the clan's strict confines…

To ensure the Hyuga clan's future wouldn't be left without a successor, Neji had become the best choice.

Looking at the clan head, whose face alternated between shades of blue and white, Neji felt perplexed but didn't dare to inquire further.

And so, each of the young ninjas embarked on their own path to become stronger. While their talents might not match the future Sasuke and Naruto, with the full development of their abilities, they could still become elite Jonins in their own right.


travis btmb

Tftc personally I think she should still become a ninja her main issue is she does not take her training seriously until tsunade takes her as her apprentice then she has to due to tsunade not allowing her to half ass her training and the fact tsunade lays it out for her and gives her a reality check and she can't be obsessed over sasuke I know lots of ppl say she is useless and until tsunade takes her under her wing she kinda is but after tsunade trains her she becomes her successor so I vote yes on her still becoming a ninja she just needs to get her shit together and be properly trained

Kamryn Kes

He should tell Tsunade the secret to doing paperwork... shadow clone jutsu