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In episode 98 of the Shawn Ryan Show, Jonathan Wilson, a former Navy SEAL, joins us to talk about his latest venture, INVI Mind-Health. Before we delve into Jonathan's work in closing the gap with mental health and veteran suicide, we get an inside look at what led him on the journey of helping others. Jonathan shares his ups and downs navigating life and the struggles that impacted him along the way as a father, husband, and teammate.

When was the last time you checked on your buddy?



The Machine

Who else is getting the INVI Med Health app and subscribing?


Great interview, Shawn/Team. I heard someone say just the other day, marry a woman you would go to war with. Jonathan you give it new meaning. Kudos to your wife for hanging. My brother is five years older, that war is real. I pray for your continued success, especially with your family.


So glad Jonathan came back to his kids because that is what they will always remember and kids need their dads, especially ones that can say sorry and move forward. And God bless your family and family of all vets and of the SRS!


Also this system could help postpartum depression too.

Shawn Mertz

I’m just now listening to this podcast. First time I heard anyone mention the Najaf 2007 firefight. I was a part of that operation with the 4th brigade 25th INF. We fought beside some real professional that day. It was 800 person camp. When I left to go back to Kalsu they counted over 300 KIA. That firefight alone should be a story that needs documenting.

Beverly Shank

No thanks, INVI. Seems like inventors of great things who want to help mankind e.g. television, Internet to bring education to the masses, lose control to greedy profiteers. Healthcare is already becoming more profit based than ever before. It’s frightening to image the abuse of privacy and then the control this would allow.

Rhonda Rivers

Thanks so much for your service Shawn. God Bless our military and especially our combat veterans.